Social Networking Sports Business

Twackle…The Sports Fan’s Twitter

OctagonIt hasn’t even been a year since mega-agency Octagon brought in Jim DeLorenzo to run the newly created Octagon Digital division, but they are already making moves to establish their presence in the digital media and social-networking worlds.  The company has launched, an aggregation engine for sports-related material on Twitter.  By using your Twitter log-in at the new site, you will be able to access organized groupings of sports-related “tweets”, sorted by areas like team, sport, and sometimes a specific athlete.  DeLorenzo spoke about Octagon’s goal in entering this new market:

“Twitter’s definitely a great thing, but it can be really tough for a sports fan to comb through this mountain of data and get to something that makes sense and is relevant. That’s what we’re trying to address.”

The revenue stream for will be attained through ad-based tweets inserted into the data stream.  Twitter is becoming increasingly popular in the sports world, with athletes like Shaquille O’Neal embracing the technology, and Octagon is attempting to catch up or take lead in this trend.  While I personally have not jumped on the Twitter bandwagon yet, it’s safe to assume that by this afternoon, I will be on

Check out Sports Business Journal’s article on Twackle for more information.