
An Intern(al) Look at Becoming A Sports Agent

This week has been anything but a break, even though I haven’t had class because of Spring Break. Although it was nice not to have to read for class everyday, there was still plenty of other stuff to do. I spent much of this week studying for the MPRE exam. For those of you with […]


An Intern(al) Look At Becoming A Sports Agent

This upcoming weekend marks the beginning of my Spring Break in my last year of law school. It will be the last time I ever get to say the words “Spring Break” and weeks vacation in the same sentence. And of course, it’s snowing again. I wasn’t planning on going to any Spring Break locations […]

Social Networking Sports Business

2010: Lets Make This Year Count

First of all, I hope that everyone had a happy and healthy holiday season and that you are as excited about 2010 as I am. With 2009 in the rear view mirror, I have my hopes set that 2010 will be a big year both as a professional in the industry and as a fan. […]

Sports Agents

Name That “Agent”

A few people recently tipped me to a certain sports agent’s LinkedIN profile.  Apparently, this agent has been calling and emailing established professionals in this industry and giving them a good laugh.  I have no intention of ruining anybody’s career or making a fool out of anyone, but this is something I could not ignore.  […]

Social Networking

Reach Everybody With One Text

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIN. Still don’t have a personal and/or business profile/page on these sites? Time to join and pick up a following real quick before you end up well behind everybody else. As these social networking sites continue to pick up more value with increased offerings and publicity, other companies have been vying for a […]

Headline NFL Players Sports Business

An Institute For Athletes

Blake Baratz is a young guy (only 29-years-old), but already has a good amount of experience as an NFLPA certified advisor.  Since becoming certified with the union, Baratz has worked at Impact Sports, a representation firm with its principal office in Boca Raton, FL.  Baratz was working on behalf of Impact Sports from across the […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (7/17/09)

I am done with Summer law school finals.  Business Orgs and Analysis & Drafting of Intellectual Property are out of the way…although I really enjoyed taking and learning the material for both classes.  I cannot believe that in one-year from now, I will be done with law school and studying for the Bar Exam.  I […]

Social Networking Sports Business

Case Study On Sports And Social Media

Yes, I am the founder of a full-service sports and talent agency, but I also have interests outside of negotiating terms of contracts and searching endlessly for endorsement deals.  One of my hobbies is keeping up to date with new technologies.  Growing up, I was a gamer.  That’s right, I loved video games…and I was […]