Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (4/11/2014)

It has been one wild week between signing up new clientele, completing major projects on strict deadlines, crossing The Masters off of my bucket list and returning to the University of Florida last weekend to serve as a Keynote Speaker at its Sports Law Symposium (video of the event is on YouTube).  Today I am […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (4/4/2014)

I am back in the town where a lot of magic went down — Gainesville, Florida.  Today marks the return of the UF Sports Law Symposium, where I will be moderating one panel and also serving as a Keynote Speaker.  It is a joy to return to the town where I spent 7 amazing years […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (3/28/2014)

It’s Great To Be A Florida Gator.  I was in Gainesville the last time the Gators men’s basketball team won a couple of championships, and I remember the joy I felt watching that team destroy the competition.  It may be more gratifying watching this year’s team, albeit many miles away, which is undoubtedly less talented […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (3/21/2014)

I am out in Las Vegas enjoying an annual tradition: March Madness with some of my closest friends from home.  It serves as a rare true vacation and one I look forward to every single year.  It’s all orange and blue for me.  Rooting hard for my Florida Gators to win another national championship.  This […]

Colleges Headline Recruiting

Memphis Agent Day 2014

The University of Memphis athletics department, in coordination with Collegiate Sports Advisors, has announced that it will host an Agent-Day on April 12, 2014.  The Agent-Day will allow for draft eligible student-athletes and/or their parents to meet with athlete agents to discuss representation opportunities for their future professional sports careers. All agents who are interested in […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (3/14/2014)

I am heading to Dallas, Texas later today and will be taking in my first-ever Ultimate Fighting Championship event this Saturday.  The UFC 171 will feature Johny Hendricks vs. Robbie Lawler for the welterweight title.  Next Wednesday, I leave for Las Vegas for my annual retreat to enjoy the start of March Madness.  My entire […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (3/7/2014)

Shabbat Shalom from Key Largo, where we have managed to avoid some pretty bad storms brewing to the north.  I will be heading back up to Miami later in the day and hopefully take some of the 2014 World Golf Championships at Doral during the weekend.  Next weekend I am off to Dallas, where I […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (2/28/2014)

Another week, another city that is not my home of Miami.  Today I am in Louisville, Kentucky, speaking at the University of Louisville’s sport administration program’s 5th Annual Speaker Summit along with ESPN’s Jemele Hill and University of Toledo College of Law professor Geoffrey Rapp.  In case you have not yet done so, go ahead and pre-order […]

Friday Wrap-Up Headline

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-up (2/21/2014)

I am back in New York, which is starting to feel like a second home based on how much I have been traveling up here as of late.  Today I will be giving the Keynote Speech at New York Law School’s 5th Annual Sports Law Symposium.  The focus will be on growth areas in the […]

College Football Players Headline

Op-Ed: Courage In The Line Of Fire

The following op-ed was submitted by sports agent Eugene T. Lee.  Mr. Lee is President/CEO – ETL Associates, Inc. and may found on Twitter – @EugeneTLee. The sport of professional football is the most violent and physical of all four major sports in North America. The gridiron can be likened to a real life coliseum with the players themselves […]