Contract Negotiation NBA Teams Sports Agents Sports Law

Contract Retract

Unless you have been living under a rock in the sports world this week then you would have heard about Billy Donovan’s U-Turn from the Orlando Magic. Quick Re-cap: Billy Donovan, former Gator basketball coach decides to leave UF and take the head coach position at Orlando Magic. Donovan, who took the Gator’s to 2 […]

MLB Players MLB Teams

It’s Going To Be The Most Hyped Draft Ever!

Right after the NFL Draft, NBA Draft, and the NHL draft. This year’s MLB First-Year Player Draft has gotten more press and will have more interested viewers than years past, however. The sole reason is because ESPN, the WWLS, has decided to televise the first round of the draft on ESPN2 today from 2PM-6PM, drawing […]

Sports Agents Sports Law

Roasted Pig, Macadamian Nuts, And The UAAA

While Joshua Golka does not post often at the blog Athlete Agent / Sports Agent Regulation, his posts tend to be very informative. Plus, I have to give him credit for being the only other sports agent blog on the blogosphere.Anyway, Joshua reports that Hawaii may be the most recent state to sign on to […]

NFL Players Uncategorized

NFLPA Cuts Off Agent Contact

It was brought to my attention today that the NFLPA adopted a very harsh agent regulation back in April. It states that agents are strictly prohibited from having any contact with college football players who aren’t three years out of high school (including email contact). There wasn’t much press on it, but here it is: […]

Contract Negotiation NFL Players NFL Teams

The Franchise Tag Must Die

Honestly, the Franchise Tag is starting to tear teams apart. February marked the beginning of Franchise Tagging Season, and even though no more players are being tagged, the NFL is still feeling the effects of disgruntled tagees. For more information about what the Franchise Tag is, click here. There is good argument that the Franchise […]


Carnival of the NBA #44

I Want to be a Sports Agent has been lucky enough to be featured on Carnival of the NBA #44, the latest edition of Carnival of the NBA.  The post that is mentioned on the Carnival is Who Will Blaze The Trail?  There is a lot of discussion going on currently, so why not stop […]


Call For Votes

I guess it is kind of pathetic to stoop so low as to beg all of you loyal readers to vote for me in a Hot Blogger Tournament, but I guess that it could be worse…at least I’m not a bigot. So anyway, I entered into a Hot Blogger Tournament sponsored by the great site, […]

Endorsements Golf NBA Players Sports Agents

IMG Expands, Kobe Stays, and Condon Leaves

I would have spread each topic into its own post, but I have been busy all day and just got around to reading all of the relevant sports agent news for the day.  In the interest of time, I will post in the Darren Rovell form, and give you different stories in one jumble of […]

Contract Negotiation MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

Roll Out The Hold Outs

The MLB First-Year Player Draft is right around the corner, and you can expect to see some drafted players holding out for better offers. The media, MLB organizations, and the general public tend to agree on one thing: they hate it when players holdout. They also like to blame sports agents for ruining sports when […]

Nightmare Clients of the Week

Nightmare Clients for the Week of May 27th-June 3rd

Welcome to another week of Nightmare Clients! Things have been relatively quiet in the media with regards to players, but even during the quietest of weeks there is bound to be a Nightmare Client or two…or three…or four… 1. Chicago Cubs manager Lou Piniella was suspended indefinitely and fined an undisclosed amount by Major League […]