A few people recently tipped me to a certain sports agent’s LinkedIN profile. Apparently, this agent has been calling and emailing established professionals in this industry and giving them a good laugh. I have no intention of ruining anybody’s career or making a fool out of anyone, but this is something I could not ignore. I took a screenshot of the agent’s profile (below), and took the time to blot out any reference to his name or his company’s name. Can you take a guess at who is behind the profile?
As far as I know, the real “Jerry Maguire” is Leigh Steinberg. But this all gets worse. This agent recently contacted another agent in the industry, and when his offer was rejected, he sent this message:
Since you weren’t interested in merging with (agency name deleted) we have decided to merge with either Lagardere, KB Sports, Octagon, Or a few other choices we have to pick from.
This type of name dropping cannot be taken well by the agencies listed in the quote. As a disclaimer, I have absolutely nothing against the agent making these comments on his LinkedIN page and through email. In fact, I think the guy is a genuinely nice person. But that said, this kind of conduct is unacceptable.
Now I realize that there may be a chance, however slight, that this agent was really offered to merge with these companies. However, the fact that he sent the same message out to half a dozen agents and is advertising it on his LinkedIN makes me think otherwise.