I hope everybody had a lovely Valentine’s Day. I am looking forward to head up to New York next week to speak at the 4th Annual New York Law School Sports Law Symposium. Slight change: I will be speaking on the Concussion Litigation panel as opposed to the Negotiating Media Rights Acquisitions Panel. I will still be sitting on the Breaking Into The Sports Industry Panel, as well. Heavy dose of football links in this week’s wrap-up. Before we get to that, on Forbes.com this week, I wrote: (1) Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue Offers Big Bumps To Featured Brands; (2) Sochi Winter Olympics: The State Of The USOC One Year From 2014 Games; (3) LeBron James Reminds The World That He Is Not Michael Jordan; and (4) Is It the NHL’s Turn to Make Drastic Rule Changes to Thwart Brain Injuries? And now, the wrap-up:
- Danny Lozano is baffled [Brian Wilson’s agent takes issue with Brian Sabean].
- Taking a proactive stance on the prevalence of PEDs [Scott Boras to open Miami-based training center].
- Black eye for the NFLPA? [Former NFL agent received his union certification despite being under federal indictment for fraud]
- Biggest question may be whether Maren promised, in writing, to reimburse expenses [Mark Maren’s cancelled CFL tryout camp leaves plenty of questions to be answered].
- When athletes do the darndest things [Did Vince Young Take Out A High-Interest Loan To Pay For His Own $300,000 Birthday Party?].
- An extra $1 million if the Eagles win the Super Bowl (and Vick plays in it) [Vick’s base package is $7 million].
- Cindrich says the worst part of his job has to do with the hypocrisy of the NCAA [Ipso Facto Q&A: NFL agent Ralph Cindrich].
Sports Law
- Skirts around answering the question of whether he ever considered becoming a sports agent [B.A.F.F.L.E.D. Spotlights – Michael McCann – Sports Lawyer, Dedicated Professor].