The following interview is with Steven Brodie, Founder and President of World Changing Management. Check out World Changing Management’s website or connect with them on Twitter.

(1) When did you realize that you wanted to pursue a career as a sports agent? What specifically interested you in the industry?
Since I was a freshman in college (19 years old) I was interested in the representation and care for professional athletes. What interested me the most was the fact that many athletes were unsure about what being a professional athlete is all about. I wanted to give them the best opportunity possible to follow their dreams.
(2) Where did you go to college as an undergrad? Did you pursue a graduate degree or any internships to further market yourself in the sports industry?
I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sport Management from Concordia University Wisconsin. I am currently working towards my International MBA with a focus in Sport Management.
(3) What are the major differences in representing players in overseas leagues?
The biggest difference is the time frame as to when players receive contracts. Most of the top overseas leagues wait until the NBA has started to do their selection process to sign players. Another major difference is the strictness of the overseas leagues. Teams will send players home for any number of reasons, and most of the time it is because the player isn’t doing what the team wants/expects them to do.
(4) When did you feel you were ready to start your own agency and what experience did you have prior to doing so?
I felt like I was ready right from the start. I wanted to create an agency that truly cares about their athletes lives both on and off the court. While in college I kept a close eye on other agencies on how they performed. I am a person who is good at networking and building relationships with people. In this industry that is the biggest hurdle.
(5) The Vice President of World Changing Management is athletic trainer, Steve Campbell. How did you two meet and what made you decide to bring him on board?
I have known Steve Campbell for years. He used to train me when I was in college. Steve is one of the world’s best strength and conditioning trainers for athletes on all levels and sports. He has a resume that I believe is unmatched from training star athletes like Paul George, Nick Young, and Ryan Clady just to name a select few. I brought Steve to WCM to be in charge of all training aspects for my athletes.
(6) Take our readers through a typical day in your life.
In this industry there really isn’t such thing as a “typical” day. Basically this career demands constant communication with athletes, general managers, trainers, and marketers. I never know when a general manager will request a workout from one of my players so I always need to be available for contact. Also, I try to attend as many of my athletes workouts as possible so I can make sure they are doing what they need to do to be successful. I don’t want them slacking off. With my free time I usually watch high school and college games to see if there is a player I would want to try to represent in the upcoming year(s).
(7) What aspect of your career are you most proud of?
Honestly, I am most proud of just being able to be in the position I am in. I don’t like to take a lot of things in my life for granted because there are a lot of people in this world who don’t have the opportunity to become an agent.
(8) What advice do you have for young professionals looking to enter the sports agent industry?
My advice for young professionals looking to enter the sports agent industry is to just be ready for the grind. There are sleepless nights, stressful situations, people who are difficult to work with, highs and lows, and many walls to break through. As long as you believe in yourself and stay positive anything can happen. Currently I am working on creating an internship program that will allow students an opportunity to learn what this business is really about. World Changing Management is always open to bringing on more agents who are hungry for success, if you think that applies to you please feel free to contact us.