Headline Sports Business

Six Questions With Daniel Steinberg, Community Manager At SponsorPitch

The following “Six Questions” short interview with Daniel Steinberg, Community Manager at SponsorPitch, was conducted by our Assistant Editor Cameron Chung. Connect with SponsorPitch on LinkedIn & Twitter.

When did you know you wanted to work in sports? What drew you to the industry?

As a long time athlete that was not good enough to play in college, I decided to shift my interest to the business side of the sports industry.  I knew as a senior in high school, I wanted to pursue a Sport Marketing/Management degree.  I will never forget playing sports as a kid, and the confidence I gained as an adolescent.  Sports is more then a game to me, it represents my childhood and growth as a person.  I am forever in debt to sports, so it was a no brainer!

You took one of Darren’s classes at Indiana. How did you hear about the class and what was your biggest learning moment from the class?

As a rising sophomore at Indiana University I was offered to take a night class with Darren that was 2.5 hours weekly.  Darren brought in guests that I actually knew about before hand, and instantly gained my respect.  The class may have been virtual, but he brought the best guest speakers out of any of my other classes.  The business side of sports is something Darren knows very well, so I feel lucky to have had a class with him!  My biggest learning lesson was that there are so many different avenues in the sports industry and that there were so many more segments within it- like sponsorship!

How did you land your first job in sports? As a follow up, what were your biggest obstacles to obtaining your first job? 

My first job in sports was with another Sponsorship company, and I found it through Angel List- which is a great place for any recent graduates.  My biggest obstacle was having a lack of actual sales experience.  I would suggest any college students to take a sales job, does not matter if it is in sports or not- but sports preferably!  It is invaluable to have sales experience as it is the back bone of any business and translate to any industry!

What does do? is a lead generation platform made specifically for the Sponsorship industry.  We have cataloged over 80,000 sponsorship deals, and use past spending history to help people who sell sponsorship!  As well as having contacts at over 8,600 sponsoring brands on the platform, with contact information for the sponsorship contact.

What is your current role at SponsorPitch?

Currently, I handle social media, a bit of research but for the most part I am the head of sales at  This consist of the whole sales cycle, and making good old fashion COLD CALLS! I take pride in being the trenches, and even more pride in closing sales.  I believe that should be used by any Sponsorship sellers that are serious about closing more deals! Anyone can contact me at for more information or check us out at!

What advice do you have for students or young professionals looking to break in to the sports industry?

Look you’re not going to be the GM of the Mets over night, or get your dream job right after school, but if you work hard- you can work with people who share your passion.  I always am talking to sport fans, chatting sports and this industry has some really friendly people!  Follow your passion, and great things will happen.