I received a nice surprise in my inbox yesterday. Evan Carmichael, of the aptly named EvanCarmichael.com, emailed me to announce that SportsAgentBlog.com has been selected as one of the Top 50 Niche Blogs in 2009. That is an honor in itself. Even better, is that SportsAgentBlog.com is only one of two sports blogs on the entire list. The other is The Biz of Baseball, which also happens to be an excellent site run by Maury Brown. A lot of these “top” lists do not mean much to me, but Evan is a respected name in the online world, and we are privileged to be included on his list.
A little bit about Evan Carmichael’s site:
EvanCarmichael.com is the Internet’s #1 resource for small business motivation and strategies. With over 385,000 monthly visitors, 3,900 contributing authors, and 65,000 pages of content no website shares more profiles of famous entrepreneurs and inspires more small business owners than EvanCarmichael.com.
4 replies on “SportsAgentBlog.com Is Niche, And Apparently Enjoyed”
Congratulations Darren! SportsAgentBlog is certainly worth of such an honor.
Thanks a lot for the comment.
Congratulations Darren this is a big accomplishment and I'm glad I could be apart of it. Here's to being recognized many more times in the future!
And thanks for your contributions.