Contract Negotiation MLB Players MLB Rules MLB Teams Sports Agents

Big Ass Roundup Of MLB’s New Labor Deal

The new labor deal that will extend to December 11, 2011 (mark it on your calendar) was completed and agreed upon at the end of October. Instead of reporting about it along the way, I decided to wait until the dust settled and many different sources made comments about the deal. This post will serve […]


Miami Internship Opportunity

Word just in from a friend working over at the Miami Beach division of William Morris Agency.  In an effort to grow its Miami division and incorporate more sports into its overall business plan, WMA is looking for qualified individuals to apply for a trainee position. If you are serious about wanting to break into […]

Contract Negotiation

He Obviously Deserves $25 Million Per Year

But how are you going to get your client the money he/she deserves? All decisions are made at the negotiation table, and you need to bring a lot of tools with you when entering conversation with a team’s general manager (or other person in charge of payroll). recently released the Top 10 Tips for […]

Coaches Colleges Contract Negotiation

Want to be a College Coach’s agent? Part II

On July 25th, I talked about how the salaries of coaches in all collegiate sports are on the rise.  Today, I highlight’s in-depth analysis of college football coach income [ – Coaches compensation]. A few things stick out.  In particular: Coaches at the top D-I programs make an average yearly salary of $950,000 before […]

Nightmare Clients of the Week

Nightmare Clients for the Week of November 12th-November 19th

1. Fred Weary of the Houston Texans was tasered while resisting arrest in a traffic stop for not having a front license plate [Texans OL Weary tasered, arrested after traffic stop]. With all these football players getting tasered, you may think it’s painless.  Eh…on second thought: [Taser Guns Video].

Accessories Sports Agents

News & Notes 2.0

Sports Agents like their News & Notes, and they like them at the beginning of the day.  Every day, right when I walked through the door and into my chair as an intern at Career Sports & Entertainment, I sat down and worked on reading all of local papers from the cities that the company […]


It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

Every athlete does it and every Sports Agent has to plan for it and deal with it. It is called retirement, and it is the end of an athlete’s career on the field/court and the beginning of an athlete’s effort to remain financially stable while not participating in his/her specialty any longer. I came across […]

NBA Players

AI’s Intelligence

Allen Iverson was in no way responsible for the death of Kevin Johnson, a man who was shot after refusing to give up the Iverson jersey he was wearing in 2003. AI had no obligation to help out Johnson’s family in a time of mourning. That being said, the fact that Allen Iverson has offered […]

Sports Agents

Ethical vs. Unethical Behavior

With the athlete representation world being such a game of ethical and unethical behavior, I feel that you truly have to ask yourself if your unethical actions are worth the negative outcome. You always hear about agents giving out money, cars and clothing to athletes of whom they wish to sign for the up coming […]

MLB Players

The 2nd Boston Tea Party

Updating a past story: Scott Boras Wants To Eat Your Children, the Boston Red Sox have officially won the right to pay the Seibu Lions a posting fee for Daisuke Matsuzaka if the club is able to sign Mr. Matsuzaka. The posting fee prediction on October 25th was anywhere between $17 million to $28 million. […]