Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Judge Finds Priority Sports Accessed Basketball Agent Aaron Mintz’s Personal Email; Violated Right To Privacy

On page 22 of a lengthy 26 page Order on Motions for Summary Judgment filed by Aaron Mintz/Creative Artists Agency (CAA) and Mark Bartelstein & Associates, Inc. d/b/a Priority Sports & Entertainment, U.S. District Judge Stephen V. Wilson wrote, “This is not the first time in this Order that the Court has exposed clear misstatement […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

Mississippi Sports Law Review’s 2012 Fall Symposium

What: The Mississippi Sports Law Review’s 2nd Annual Fall Symposium: The Impact of Concussion Lawsuits on the Future of Football When: Friday, November 9, 2012 at 1:30 p.m. Where: Room 1078 of the University of Mississippi School of Law (Directions) Panelists Dean André Douglas Pond Cummings – Indiana Tech Law School Dr. Andrew Gregory – Vanderbilt University Dean Jeffrey A. Standen […]

Headline MLB Players Sports Agents Sports Law

Pitcher Roman Colon Wants $1 Million+ From Baseball Agent For Failing To Disclose A Team’s Offer

On October 6, baseball pitcher Roman Colon elected to become a free agent.  Twenty-three days later, the Dominican-born professional baseball player filed a lawsuit against his former sports agent John David (J.D.) Smart and Smart’s former employer, Hendricks Sports Management, LP.  Colon says that the agent and agency should pay for failing to inform him […]

Headline Sports Law UFL

UFL Needs To Rid Itself Of Legal Troubles To Have A Shot At Surviving

This month, the United Football League (UFL) announced that it was ending its season prematurely, but that it plans to return in 2013.  While I am not one to deter others from being optimistic, I just do not see the league making a triumphant return. A couple of days ago I was asked, “What will […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Football Agents Settle Lawsuit, But New Dispute Arises Over Breach Of Agreement

One of three lawsuits pending against football agent John “JR” Rickert as of May 2012 had originally been filed in September 2011 by football agent Audie Attar (President of Paradigm Sports Management, LLC).  Attar claimed that Rickert breached their Joint Partnership Agreement by failing to (1) pay over $21,000 in compensation, (2) attend meetings with prospective clients, (3) reimburse Attar […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

4th Annual New York Law School Sports Law Symposium – Nov. 2, 2012

What: 4th Annual NYLS Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, November 2, 2012 (11:30 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.) Where: 185 West Broadway, New York, NY [W201 (Events Center)] I will be speaking on the Intellectual Property Issues in Sports and Breaking Into the Sports Industry panels.  If you are in New York, it would be great […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

One Month Prior To Trial, Basketball Agent Battle Between Aaron Mintz/CAA and Priority Sports Begins To Heat Up

The federal court jury trial of Aaron Mintz/Creative Artists Agency v. Mark Bartelstein and Associates, Inc. d/b/a Priority Sports & Entertainment is set to begin on November 13, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. PST; however, neither party wants the case to ever reach a trier of fact.  To that end, all parties have filed motions for […]

Colleges Entertainment Headline Sports Law

Arizona State’s 3rd Annual Conference On Sports & Entertainment Law

What: Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law’s 3rd Annual Conference on Sports and Entertainment Law When: Saturday, October 27, 2012 (9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) Where: Armstrong Hall Panel: Amateurism Chuck Schmidt (Associate Executive Director, Arizona Interscholastic Association) (Moderator) Timothy Epstein (Partner, SmithAmundsen) Darren Heitner (Attorney, Wolfe Law Miami P.A + Writer at Forbes) Marc […]

Headline Sports Law

Former Baseball Agent Jason Dubin Receives Two Years Probation For Computer Tampering With Sexual Motivation

Former Phoenix, Arizona-based baseball agent Jason Dubin was scheduled to receive sentencing at the end of September after pleading guilty to “two counts of computer tampering with sexual motivation” resulting from his his attempt to meet two underage girls for a “blowjob tutorial.”  On Friday, Dubin was sentenced to two years of probation. As reported by the […]

Headline Sports Law

The Economic Realities Of Being A Student-Athlete

In early March, I participated as a featured speaker at DePaul University College of Law’s Annual Sports Law Symposium, hosted by the DePaul Journal of Sports Law and Contemporary Problems. The Symposium’s focus was on the “Economic Realities of Being an Athlete.” My specific speech was centered on grants-in-aid to student-athletes, specifically the efforts to […]