Headline MLB Players Sports Law

Former Baseball Players Including Goose Gossage Want Money From Venezuelan Baseball Fan Fest

A Venezuelan company named Hablemos de Beisbol Magazine and Foundation, run by Omar Gelvis (@Omarcito13 on Twitter), coordinated a Baseball All Star Fan Fest comprising modern Major League Baseball players, retired Hall of Famers, and baseball legends in Maracaibo from December 12-16, 2011.  The event received a great deal of press in Venezuela.  Autograph tickets were […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

ASU Sports & Entertainment Law Journal Presents Volume 1 Issue 2

The Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University announced the publication of its inaugural edition of the Sports and Entertainment Law Journal at the first Arizona State University Sports & Entertainment Law Conference, held in late 2010.  For a first issue of a Sports & Entertainment Law Journal, I was pleasantly surprised with the authors and […]

Headline NBA Players Sports Law

Joel Bell Does Not Agree With Interpretation Of Maryland Uniform Athlete Agents Act

Michael Beasley of the Minnesota Timberwolves is certainly thankful that the NBA season will soon commence.  He also has to be happy that he was granted summary judgment in the lawsuit filed against him by his former agent Joel Bell of Bell Sports, Inc.  As reported by the Washington Post, the judge granted Beasley summary judgment after finding that Beasley’s […]

College Football Players Colleges Headline Sports Law

North Carolina To Gain Access To NCAA Documents On Agent Activity

The State of North Carolina and the NCAA have been busy fighting over access to documents regarding findings from the NCAA’s investigation of past NFLPA agent activity on the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill’s campus.  On July 29, 2011, North Carolina’s Secretary of State Elaine Marshall issued a subpoena asking for said documents, which are apparently under the […]

Headline NBA Players NBA Teams Sports Law

Players Add Plaintiffs, Amend Their Minnesota Complaint v. NBA

Last week, Caron Butler, Ben Gordon, Anthony Tolliver, and Derrick Williams filed a Class Action Complaint against the NBA and its member teams in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota.  At roughly the same time, another class of NBA players filed a similar lawsuit in the Northern District of California.  The California lawsuit has since been dismissed […]

Headline Sports Law

Arkansas’ New Athlete Agent Law May Be Used As National Model

The state of Arkansas went into 2011 with a goal of passing legislation that would implement stricter punishments for those who violate the state’s athlete agent law, including sports agents, athletes’ relatives, and third parties who negotiate benefits in exchange for an athlete attending a university.  The legislation, heralded by Representative David J. Sanders and […]

Headline NFL Players Sports Law

Caron Butler Leads Class In Lawsuit v. NBA

The first lawsuit by NBA players against the NBA and its member teams was filed yesterday in the U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota.  It includes Counts for Violation of Section 1 of the Sherman Act, Breach of Contract, Tortious Interference with Contract, and Tortious Interference with Prospective Contractual Relations. The Class Action […]

Headline Sports Law

Video Of Congressional Panel On College Sports Scandals

As I have mentioned a few times already, last week a group of individuals who are tied to college sports in a variety of ways converged in Washington D.C. to participate in a roundtable discussion titled, Hypocrisy or Hype?  The Impacts of Back-Room Deals, Payoffs, and Scandals in American Collegiate Student Athletics.  The list of participants […]

Headline Sports Law

NYU Law Collegiate Sports Event

What: Panel – A Professional Look at Collegiate Sports Where: New York University (NYU) School of Law (Room 214, Vanderbilt Hall) – map When: November 14, 2011 (4:00 – 6:00 pm) Hear from a panel of professionals with varied backgrounds and experiences discuss and debate the most pressing topics in collegiate sports, including compensation for student athletes, the rise […]

Headline Sports Law

U.S. Rep Bobby L. Rush Compares NCAA To The Mafia

Yesterday, a group of individuals who are tied to college sports in a variety of ways converged in Washington D.C. to participate in a roundtable discussion titled, Hypocrisy or Hype?  The Impacts of Back-Room Deals, Payoffs, and Scandals in American Collegiate Student Athletics.  The list of participants may be found here. U.S. Representative Bobby L. Rush (D-Ill) put together […]