Headline Sports Law

California Hearing Considers Effectiveness Of Athlete Agent Law

Last week, the Select Committee on Sports and Entertainment in the California State Senate held a hearing titled, Protecting Student Athletes from Unscrupulous Athlete Agents at the Los Angeles Coliseum to discuss the state’s athlete agent law known as the Miller-Ayala Athlete Agents Act, and what, if any, changes should be made to the law.  Speakers included former […]

Headline International Basketball Sports Agents Sports Law

FIBA Approves Italian Basketball Federation’s Regulations Governing Player Agents

In April, FIBA approved the Italian Basketball Federation’s (FIP) Regulations Governing Player Agents.  The Regulations are embedded at the bottom of this post and intend to regulate agents who represent all basketball players affiliated with FIP. In order for an agent to identify himself as an Authorized FIP Agent, he must be registered with FIP and/or FIBA.  The […]

Headline Sports Law

Have Players Unions Outlived Their Purpose?

Have unions (other than the Major League Baseball Players Association) outlived their purpose?  It is a question that super-agent Arn Tellem of Wasserman Media Group posed in a recent New York Times article.  While I have not yet had the opportunity to meet Tellem in person, he is certainly very respected amongst the agent community […]

Arbitration Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Collection Of Contract Fees After The Death Of An Agent

The following article is provided by Ryan Earls, CEO of Cover3 Representation LLC.  You can follow Ryan on Twitter at @AskAnNFLAgent. The recent death of Gary Wichard sparked a round-table discussion between a few agents on Twitter.  The question posed: “Are contract fees due to the estate of the agent after his/her death for the […]

Headline Sports Law

Florida Almost De-Regulates Sports Agent Profession

My state of Florida almost abolished its athlete agent licensing system.  While it would have saved me and many other agents who recruit in the state of Florida a lot of money, until a federal system exists, it is probably not prudent to do away with Florida’s regulation of the sports agent profession.  Truthfully, I […]

Headline Sports Law

Hard-Hitting Evidence in the Barry Bonds’ Trial: How They Got It In

Barry Bonds‘ trial has been well publicized and discussed.  From the news stories we hear Bonds’ mistress, Kimberly Bell, testify about his perceived steroid rage and the growing (and shrinking) parts of his body.  We hear Kathy Hoskins, Bonds’ former personal shopper testify that Greg Anderson, Bonds’ longtime trainer, injected Bonds with “a little something […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

The Intersection Of Sports, Labor Law & Antitrust Law

What: Discussion – The Intersection of Sports, Labor Law & Antitrust Law: Implications of the NFL Lockout and the Court’s Injunction in Brady v. NFL When: Monday, May 2, 2011 (6:00 p.m. – 8 p.m.) Where: New York University School of Law – Lipton Hall, D’Agostino Hall (108 West Third Street, New York, NY) Bruce S. Meyer, Esq., of Weil, […]

Headline NFL Players NFL Teams Sports Law

NFL Players Show Irreparable Harm; Preliminary Injunction On Lockout Is Granted

The NFL Lockout is enjoined…for the moment.  But let’s live in the moment and take a look at the opinion handed down yesterday by Judge Susan Richard Nelson in the United States District Court District of Minnesota. The dry and dirty: The motion for a preliminary injunction on the NFL Lockout was granted. If you […]

Headline NFL Players NFL Teams Sports Law

Official NFLPA Lockout Discussion At New York Law School

What: NFL Players Association Lockout Session at New York Law School When: Tuesday, April 26, 2011 (3:30 pm -5:30 pm) Where: New York Law School (185 W. Broadway New York, NY 10013 – Auditorium, A014) George Atallah, NFLPA Assistant Executive Director of External Affairs will be speaking along with an undisclosed NFL player.  The discussion will […]

Headline NFL Players NFL Teams Sports Law

Class Counsel Crafts A Brady v. NFL Q&A

On April 20, 2011, Daniel Kaplan of SportsBusiness Journal broke news that a breakaway group of as many as 70 NFL players have committed to a law firm to intervene in the Brady v. NFL case.  According to Kaplan, the group is upset that talks in Washington D.C. broke off, and wants a seat at […]