In the past three months, I have traveled around the country, speaking at six different universities. Most of the time the topic touched upon, or was centered on, ethics in the sports agent profession. A common question from the audience is how to fix a system that practically allows agents to give student-athletes benefits without […]
Category: Sports Law
The 2010-11 NCAA Division I Manual became effective as of August 1, 2010. Throughout the year, NCAA administrators have reviewed the rules and regulations embodied within the Manual and will revise where appropriate for a new Manual, which will likely be published on August 1, 2011. A bylaw that will earn a significant area of […]
What: 2011 College Sport Research Institute (CSRI) Conference When: April 20-22, 2011 Where: William C. Friday Center for Continuing Education at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (map) April 20 Panels 8:30am – 9:45am: Show Me The Manual! NCAA Regulations, Agents, and Amateurism Jason Belzer — President of Global Athlete Management Enterprises, Inc. (GAME, Inc.) and current […]
SLA & NSELS Night @ The Palace
The National Sports and Entertainment Law Society (NSELS) and the Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) are co-sponsoring a Pistons-Cavs game networking opportunity. Take advantage of this great opportunity to network with sports & entertainment lawyers from around the Detroit, Michigan area and speak to business and legal professionals from the Pistons! Hurry, though. The deadline to […]
What: Symposium – Baseball And The Law: America’s National Pastimes When: Monday, April 11, 2011 (10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m) Where: Albany Law School Agenda 10:00 a.m. (outside room 200) – Continental Breakfast 10:30 a.m. (Room 200) – “A Contrarian View of Steroids: What’s Wrong With Being All You Can Be?” Professor Paul Finkelman, President William McKinley Distinguished Professor […]
The Ivy Sports Symposium is a major international sports symposium hosted by the universities that make up the Ivy League. It was originally called the Princeton Sports Symposium for four years (starting in 2006) and was run strictly by students at Princeton University. In 2010, it officially changed to the Ivy Sports Symposium (take a […]
Sticking to the lockout discussion, if you missed yesterday’s roundtable teleconference at, you can still hear what Jessica B. Horewitz and I had to say about various facets of the NFL Lockout. First, a little bit of background on Jessica B. Horewitz, Ph.D., who joined me in the event. Jessica B. Horewitz, Ph.D., wrote her […]
Two days ago, I wrote about football agent Steve Caric making a name for himself as a prominent figure in Las Vegas. Sometimes positive press has negative consequences, as individuals become public figures and regulatory bodies begin to scrutinize their actions. Caric, who has five NFL Draft eligible clients, including University of Washington’s Mason Foster, who is […]
What: Panel – From Bird to Brady: Collective Bargaining in American Sports When: April 13, 2011, 12:30 – 1:45 pm Where: Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall (map) The biggest and most challenging issue facing American sports leagues today isn’t criminality, career-threatening injuries, or even performance-enhancing drugs – it’s collective bargaining. The stakes are high – for […]
Join me in a roundtable teleconference on Wednesday, April 6th, 2011 at 2pmPT/5pm ET as we address the legal and economic consequences of the NFL lockout. Our panel will discuss specific topics such as: The real story on the lockout such as what both sides really want, how far apart they are and who the powers are […]