Headline NBA Players Sports Law

Bosh Gives A Bunch Of Domain Names To The NBPA

I hope everyone is enjoying their apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah.  At this time of the year, I like to spend some time thinking about what I am thankful for.  In particular, I am thankful to have supportive friends and family, good health, and independence.  Quite a few professional basketball players should be thankful […]

Coaches Colleges Headline Recruiting Sports Law

John Blake’s World Could Come Crashing Down

On July 6, 2010, became the first media entity to discuss the tie between agent Gary Wichard and former UNC associate head coach John Blake, after it was known that the NCAA was investigating the University of North Carolina football program regarding possible rules violations surrounding gifts/benefits received by players from sports agents.  SportsBusiness Journal later found that […]

Contract Negotiation Headline Hockey Sports Law

The Kovalchuk Deal and the CBA Redux

If you haven’t been following the trials and tribulations of the Ilya Kovalchuk saga over the last few months, you either aren’t a sports fan or you are still wrapped up in the Lebron James to Miami Heat ordeal.  In case you had other news on your mind, here is a recap of the events […]

Headline MLB Rules Sports Agents Sports Law

Amendments To The MLBPA Regulations Governing Player Agents

On September 2, all certified Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) agents received an email concerning amended agent regulations.  It was a notice that the MLBPA’s Executive Board has unanimously adopted amendments to the MLBPA’s Regulations Governing Player Agents.  While I am not yet MLBPA certified (although I am happy to announce that is changing […]

Headline Recruiting Sports Law

The State Of Florida Proactive With Agent Law

In a recent Associated Press story that continues to be referenced by many in this industry, the authors point out that “more than half of the 42 states with sports agent laws have yet to revoke or suspend a single license, or invoke penalties of any sort.”  Don’t count Florida as one of the states […]

Headline Recruiting Sports Agents Sports Business Sports Law

Sports Agents = The Issue de Jour

The following is a guest post from a good friend and extremely intelligent sports business professional, Marc Isenberg (@marcisenberg).  He wrote a great book titled, Money Players, and continues to help student-athletes manage their careers as a part of a new company, INsight Group. College sports has a handful of core problems: “One and done,” […]

Contract Negotiation Headline Sports Law

No Qualms With NCAA Baseball Questionnaire?

I have to admit that I am a little surprised at the lack of responses to my publishing of the Prospective Baseball Student-Athlete Questionnaire.  There is no way that you all have no issues with future student-athletes receiving such a document immediately after they choose to not sign with the professional teams that drafted them. […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Business Sports Law

Did Gregg Clifton Leave Gaylord Because Of Negative Publicity For Agents?

Last week, I reported that Gaylord Sports lost a baseball agent to a law firm.  That baseball agent is Gregg Clifton, and he left to go practice at Jackson Lewis, a firm that specializes in labor and employment issues.  Many people in the industry believe that Clifton did not necessarily leave voluntarily, and that he […]

Headline Hockey Sports Law

Residency – Not A Decision To Be Left On Ice

This is a guest post by Jeffrey Steinberg C.A., Partner, Audit & Advisory at Soberman LLP. You have just signed a contract, and are ready to embark on or continue your career as a professional hockey player. But then it blindsides you like an open-ice body check – the realization that you must share part […]

Contract Negotiation Headline Sports Law

Prospective Baseball Student-Athlete Questionnaire

The main reason why last week I wondered whether Karsten Whitson might be in trouble due to reports of his advisor having direct communication with the San Diego Padres, is because while there are much more pressing concerns for the NCAA to worry about in the other sports under its regulatory umbrella, the association continues […]