
Introducing The Forum Forum

Ladies and gentlemen, the day has come. I feel that we now have established enough of a reader base and enough buzz centered around this site to expand in a new direction. Along with obtaining posts from myself and the various contributors on a daily basis, I would like to introduce a new feature to I Want to be a Sports Agent, which will allow for discussion between everybody in real-time fashion.

With that said, please make your way to the Forum. As of the release of this post, there is only one message (from myself) in the General Discussion area. Please make the forum your second home (this blog should obviously be your #1 castle). The forum is only as strong as the people who contribute to it. Make the discussions interesting. If there is a particular thread that is of interest, I will turn it into a post on this blog and give credit where credit is due.

If there is a discussion category or topic that is missing that you think would be pertinent, make sure to make a note of it. I hope that this new feature is not short lived. Viva Forum!

-Darren Heitner

By Darren Heitner

Darren Heitner created Sports Agent Blog as a New Year's Resolution on December 31, 2005. Originally titled, "I Want To Be A Sports Agent," the website was founded with the intention of causing Heitner to learn more about the profession that he wanted to join, meet reputable individuals in the space and force himself to stay on top of the latest news and trends.

Heitner now runs Heitner Legal, P.L.L.C., which is a law firm with many practice areas, including sports law and contract law. Heitner has represented numerous athletes and sports agents as legal counsel. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University Bloomington from 2011-2014, where he created and taught a course titled, Sport Agency Management, which included subjects ranging from NCAA regulations to athlete agent certification and the rules governing the profession. Heitner serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law, where he teaches a Sports Law class that includes case law surrounding athlete agents and the NCAA rules.