Contract Negotiation Headline MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Business

What Money Means To Minor Leaguers

The other day, I was negotiating with a General Manager of a Winter Ball team that is interested in signing one of my clients to play for him.  He originally offered my client $1,000 less than I was hoping for, but included a shared apartment.  The stated offer is not a figure to complain about, […]

Sports Law

Judge Sotomayor Through The Lens Of Sports

In case you did not know, Judge Sonia Sotomayor is a nominee for the Supreme Court of the United States.  If she is confirmed by Congress, Judge Sotomayor will become the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice in the history of the U.S.  The confirmation hearings have been publicized by every major media outlet, and while […]

Politics Sports Business

Hope Will Rise…

As India prepares to pick up the pieces from the horrific attacks in Mumbai last week, the world sends their collective thoughts and prayers to the families of the victims and a hope that an end to such senseless acts of violence will one day run its course.  10 men, each carrying 7 bullet magazines […]

Politics Sports Agents

Sports Agent With Political Ambitions

New columnist, Zach Miller, loves to talk about the tie-in of politics with sports.  While there are many connections between the two subjects, one rarely hears about a sports agent getting into the world of lobbying and promises (I am talking about politics here!).  When I am asked about my future aspirations, I often […]

Politics Sports Business

Nostalgic Economics

As I sit on the front porch of my house listening to the cheers of the high school football stadium that rests less then a hundred yards from my home, I cannot help but to feel a sense of nostalgia and longing for those blissful, care-free days.  Sitting in the stands with my friends, laughing […]