What happens when you collect a bunch of money from phony tax returns, you get convicted, and then you reach bail on a bad check? You go to jail, and you do not collect $200. In fact, you may have to pay an additional $2.7 million to make up for the false money that you made in the past. This is the situation that ex-sports agent, Anthony Quinn Welch, currently finds himself in [Ex-sports agent gets 6 years for phony tax returns].
In his prime, Welch represented Houston Oiler, Joe Bowden and Buffalo Bill, Antowain Smith. I doubt that they were too pleased to find out that their agent was stealing money and using their names in the process. The good thing for Welch is that he has served time in a federal prison in the past, so he should be somewhat used to what happens when you drop the soap. He will be serving a 6-year maximum sentence for his latest crimes.
If you are not making the type of money that you expected when you entered this industry, the right move is not to start stealing money from the federal government.
-Darren Heitner