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I Want to be a Sports Agent is a sports site, and more specifically covers one main niche in the industry of sports. Thus, you may be wondering why I am covering an entertainment-based social networking site called PMbuzz.com. For one thing, sports and entertainment are becoming closer aligned every day. Take a look at the agencies page. Many agencies have “Sports & Entertainment” in their name. Second, social networking is also beginning to pervade both industries. Matthew Allinson and I created AccessAthletes for that purpose. PMbuzz.com hopes to generate a following in the entertainment spectrum.
PMbuzz.com wants you to “be a part of the buzz.” But what does that mean? It includes sharing nightlife pictures, blogging about going out, following the latest entertainment news, etc. The site is currently sporting a Beta tag, but encourages you to sign up to be one of its initial strong members.
I honestly have faith in the PMbuzz.com project. Looking over the general features, it seems like the entertainment social network has many features that coincide with AccessAthletes (that must mean that the site is bound for success). Anybody can join the site, but much in the way that AccessAthletes sports MVP credentials for verified Athletes, Agents, and Media entities, PMbuzz.com has Entertainers and Clubs as certified members. PMbuzz.com also sports intense privacy functions, which allow you to display as little or as much information as you wish.
Social networking has been brought to the forefront of internet usage by companies like Facebook and MySpace. The new trend is to get user specific, and companies like PMbuzz.com are taking advantage of generating a site made for a particular niche of people. If you are interested at all in the entertainment industry, I suggest you check it out.
-Darren Heitner