Look at the Social Networking category and you will note that I am a firm believer in the positive power that the web can have for an athlete’s persona and reputation. At the same time, screw up and make your online identity suspect, and you can leave yourself open to massive criticism. MySpace.com is a huge medium that allows athletes to connect to their fans. It is a novel way to market your personality and style, so why not make your MySpace page both professional and sexy? Steve Schavera earns a living by making sure that top tier athletes are able to spice up their MySpace pages while upholding a classy image. Steve charges anywhere from $500-$2,500 per MySpace page and has done work for Marion Barber III and Devin Harris, among others.
As an agent, you always need to be on top of the latest technologies and the newest trends in order to keep your clients ahead of the game or at least on par with the competition. The internet is and will continue to be the strongest medium for an athlete to build a strong reputation. Hiring someone like Steve to build an appealing MySpace page may be worth the small investment.
For an interview between SLAM ONLINE and Steve Schavera, click here.
-Darren Heitner
One reply on “MySpace, A Place For Branding”
I think it is becoming more and more popular for the athletes to promote themselves and connect with the fans in a safe and effective way. The one site that I have found that is strictly “SPORTS” is the networking site http://www.mysportvideos.com Its a sport site geared for kids and players. There are a few professional athletes involved in the site. I would describe it as a myspace meets youtube combination but for sports.