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Mobile sports betting has rapidly become 50% of the global gaming marketplace. So many high-quality sites like Jasabola are popping up to facilitate this rise in demand. The accelerated growth of smart phone and tablet use is the main culprit for this achievement. Even with the use of betting software that is available to bookmakers, taking a look at the best pay per head websites can help improve your business, in this changing and competitive industry. This scenario will show no signs of slowing down, and with the reduction of mobile and tablet price points and service distribution gains will create a sure jump in use the coming month ensuring that gaming operators will see continued growth from this sector. In the face of this certain reality, what online gambling companies must now embrace is the use of mobile interfaces to both engage both members and prospective clients on their terms. This leads to the necessity to both promote and provide financial transaction facilities via mobile user interfaces.
Traditionally, the mobile betting arm of an online gambling operator was situated as a utility piece for registered members. The product was more of a convenience than an actual fully equipped site. Fast forward a decade and it is very apparent that the use of mobile betting interfaces as a value added option for members is no longer a competitive position for operators to take.
What has been seen from the mobile sports betting sector is exciting. The reported growth across the globe is triple digits, and some of the related numbers that go hand and hand with that growth make the numbers even more fascinating. Sports Betting KPI’s that have been affected also include volume, bet ticket count, and bet size. Other affected KPI’s are site retention and length of visit per session. With betting sites all over the world like agen sbobet, being able to bet and gamble on many different sports and games is always easy.
Here are some quick web versus mobile comparisons on important traffic and member activity KPI’s:
Length of visit Desk Top= 4 minutes per session.
Length of visit Mobile = 9.5 minutes per session.
Returning Visit +201 Days Desk Top= 13.5%.
Returning Visit +201 Days Mobile = 18.6%.
Ave Bet Size Mobile = 30% greater than Desk-top.
Ave Ticket Count Mobile= 28% greater than Desk-top.
*Numbers based on Jan 1st 2011 to Dec 31st 2011 traffic and gambling activities.
Any online gambling operators who are not ready to welcome in the new era of mobile and tablet delivered products and services will definitely see attrition over the next six months. Those that provide more accessible ways to transact and promote will take the lead in this sector. The most important piece of that puzzle right now becomes the Mobile Cashier application. Companies such as BetDSI who have added mobile Blackjack, promotions, and a cashier to their mobile service platform carry a distinct advantage over their competition. The launch of their new mobile cashier is a huge win, and has been met with immediate positive results.
There are no doubts that the future of Mobile and Tablet Gambling is now, and companies like BetDSI Sportsbook who are looking to engage visitors with mobile driven user interfaces will be a big part of that future.
Many bookies will allow you to get a free bet upon signing up for a new account with them. This is just one incentive that these sites use to bring in more people to use their service.
2 replies on “2011 Numbers Confirm That Mobile Betting Has Crashed The Online Gambling Party”
great site!
yet still illegal in the US