What: Event – Sports Law for Rookies and Veterans (part of the Brewer Sports Symposium)
When: Thursday, June 20, 2013 (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.)
Where: Minneapolis Club (729 2nd Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota)
8:30-9:45am: If They Build It, Will They Come?
- Lester Bagley (VP Minnesota Vikings)
- Kevin Warren (VP and CAO Minnesota Vikings)
- Franklin Jones (Greenberg Traurig LLP)
- Peter White (DLA Piper)
- Dave St. Peter (President Minnesota Twins)
- Michele Kelm-Helgen (Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority)
- Moderator: LJ Rotman (Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP)
9:45am – 10am: Break
10:00-11:15am: Sports, Law & The Media
- Ted Johnson (CMO Minnesota Timberwolves)
- Bill Robertson (Tunheim Partners)
- Ross Bernstein (Best Selling Sports Author)
- Claire Zovko, Esq. (Founder of Sports Law Chat)
- Darren Heitner, Esq. (Wolfe Law Miami, P.A.)
- Moderator: Steven Silton (Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP)
11:15am – 12:30pm: It Was The Best of Times, It Was The Worst of Times: The Year in Scandals
- Jeff Anderson (Anderson & Associates)
- Ross Bernstein (Best Selling Sports Author)
- L. Londell McMillan, Esq.
- Moderator: Rayla Allison, JD (Sport Law Professor University of Minnesota)
12:30-1:30pm Lunch: The Past, Present and Future of Sports Agency
- Keynote: Leigh Steinberg (CEO of Steinberg Sports and Entertainment)
1:30-2:45pm: So, You Want To Be A Sports Agent
- Leigh Steinberg (CEO of Steinberg Sports and Entertainment)
- Blake Baratz (President The Institute for Athletes)
- Charisse Dash (Sports Agent DPX Sports Agency)
- Rod Moskowitz (CEO Fuel Sports Management)
- Moderator Darren Heitner, Esq. (Partner Wolfe Law Miami)
2:45 – 3:00pm: Break
3:00 – 4:15pm: The View from the Front Office
- Kieron Frazier (Business & Legal Affairs Minnesota Vikings)
- Steven Weinreich (VP and General Counsel Minnesota Wild)
- Ted Johnson (CMO Minnesota Timberwolves)
- Laura Day (EVP Minnesota Twins)
- Moderator: Kevin Warren (VP and CAO Minnesota Vikings)
4:20 – 5:10pm: Business of Sports
- Rayla Allison, JD (Sport Law Professor University of Minnesota)
- Tony Sanneh (The Sanneh Foundation)
- Larry Fitzgerald (Player National Football Foundation)
- Thomas Chorske (The Christensen Group)
- Darrell Thompson (Executive Director of Bolder Options)
- Barrett Green (Founder/President The Barrett Green Foundation)
- Moderator: Jack Brewer (CEO The Brewer Group)
Cost: $289.00 ($499.00 total to also attend the following day’s #C4CT Concussion Awareness Summit). Student rate of $99. CLE credits available. Register online.