Successfully recruiting a football player to become your client is difficult. Sitting around waiting for your client to be selected on one of the days of the NFL Draft is stressful. But nothing may be as challenging for NFLPA Contract Advisors as this week, when many will have their clients cut by NFL teams and search long and hard for a new club for their players to join.
Some cut players will find a new home on another NFL team. Others may have to opt for the Canadian Football League or Arena Football League. And there are always those who are faced with the realization that their dreams of playing professional football are over. Tough times to be an agent. A few agents are more willing than others to share the pain of “cut week.”
For instance, David Canter announced his first cut yesterday morning.
And so it begins first team first client released 8am. #ihatethisweek
— David Canter (@davidcanter) August 25, 2013
Other agents have opted to provide more generalized tweets, sharing statistics and the emotion of dealing with clients being cut.
In less than a week, 1,184 players will be released as NFL teams have to get from 90 to 53 man rosters
— Sports Agent (@andysimms) August 25, 2013
Bittersweet week ahead in the #NFL. Many players have their dreams end and many realize theirs continue.
— Mike McCartney (@MikeMcCartney7) August 25, 2013
While almost all football agents will be scrambling this week, not everyone in the community believes that there is a need to pontificate about it on social media.
Please, enough with the annual " xxx of players will be released this week / reality check" tweets. That had grown old in 2010. #cliche
— Mook Williams (@MookWilliams) August 25, 2013