For agents, aspiring sports business professionals, and students alike, if you consistently read this website, you’re probably interested in the sports agency industry. Chances are you follow a few agents on Twitter. You may even be a subscriber to Sports Agent Blog’s ‘Agents Twitter List’. Below, we’ve highlighted five agents who are ‘must follows’ on Twitter in the New Year.
1) Allan Walsh is long-time sports agent and is currently an NHLPA Certified Contract Advisor with Octagon Hockey, arguably the most dominant agency in the NHL arena. On the social media platform, Walsh provides regular updates about his clients and offers his opinion about various NHL rules and regulations. You’ll quickly find that he is a zealous advocate for his clients’ interests. Every now and then, he’ll also conduct a Q&A session with his Twitter followers where he’ll deliver a more inside-look at the agency industry.
2) With 25-plus years of experience in the sports industry, NFLPA Certified Contract Advisor, Ralph Cindrich, has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. His candidness on twitter and occasional spouts/battles are pretty entertaining to say the least. He is rarely ever at a loss for words. If you want to learn more about Cindrich, check out this recent Q&A that SportsAgentBlog.com conducted with him.
3) As the CEO of DEC Management and NFLPA Certified Contract Advisor, David Canter tweets a lot — and about a variety of topics including sports business, the agency industry, food, and more. If you need a few laughs, head over to Canter’s account as he occasionally provides some comical Twitter outbursts. He can also be found tweeting his thoughts/opinions throughout Sunday’s NFL games.
4) Leigh Steinberg — the CEO of Steinberg Sports and Entertainment — recently started up his agency again. After battling alcoholism, he has remained sober for three-plus years and is looking to contend with the new age of sports agents in 2014. As a Contributor with Forbes.com, Steinberg tweets out his posts along with links to various podcasts/interviews he participates in. Known as the ‘Real Life Jerry Maguire’, Steinberg is a ‘must follow’ for the New Year as he continues to re-establish himself in the sports agency world.
5) For NFLPA Certified Contract Advisor, Greg Linton (HOF Player Representatives), there is never a dull moment on his Twitter feed. He doesn’t sugarcoat the industry in the least bit. For those aspiring agents looking to see the real truth of the cutthroat business, Linton is a great follow. He regularly offers first-hand accounts and past experiences in order to better educate his followers.
BONUS: Andrew Brandt is a former executive with the Green Bay Packers and an ex-sports agent. After graduating from Georgetown law school, Brandt continued to work for ProServ, Inc. and agent, David Falk. Today, he is currently ESPN’s NFL Business Analyst along with a professor and columnist for Sports Illustrated.
Considering Brandt’s prior experiences on both the team/agency side, he adequately provides both perspectives on many issues. Additionally, Brandt conducts Q&A sessions with his followers and gives thoughts on player-agent signings. Easily recognizable through his coined phrases such as “There will be lawyers…”, Brandt is an excellent follow for anyone interested in the sports agency industry.