It is safe to say that with everything that has occurred concerning the Miami Dolphins and the bullying incidents involving Richie Incognito and teammate Jonathan Martin, nothing should be considered a surprise anymore — even Incognito’s recent Twitter rants.
Last Friday, Incognito supposedly deleted his Twitter account saying, “Goodbye, twitter. Be well. See you on the other side.”
Yet, as is the case with many athletes — both college and professional — who vow their final ‘goodbye’ to the Twittersphere, he could not stay away for too long and eventually returned on Sunday.

The Dolphins lineman tweeted at his agency, Athletes First, “YOU ARE FIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a wonderful and blessed day HAPPY SUNDAY How da fuck does joe still have a job ?”
The ‘Joe’ Incognito is referring to is plausibly Athletes First’s, Joe Panos, an NFLPA Certified Contract Advisor. Monday night, Incognito redacted his statement and Tweeted again, saying, “Shout out @AthletesFirst I love you I will never ever FIRE you Tu es mi familia.”
Needless to say, no one really knows what is going on, although the recent social media events have certainly been entertaining. Sports Agent Blog is still waiting on a possible comment from Athletes First on the situation. As of early Tuesday morning, Incognito remains listed as a client on Athletes First’s website.