Darren is out of the country but the weekly Shabbat Shalom series will still be coming to you. While I am jealous of Darren, I am extremely honored and excited to run the site as he enjoys Peru. Here are a couple of Darren’s pieces over the week on FORBES: (1) Tostitos Turns To Eagles Coach Chip Kelly For New Set Of Ads; (2) FC Barcelona Partners With Daily Fantasy Soccer Website. And as always, the weekly wrap-up:
• Former Sports Agent Blog contributor Mark Burns looks at Ohio State and Oregon’s social media strategies [Feed The Beast: The Social Media Strategy Around The National Championship]
• Do you think it was a wise decision? [Cardale Jones To Return To Ohio State: A Laudable And Risky Decision]
• What a cool idea by Brewers COO Rick Schlesinger[Brewers Roll Out ‘Timeless Tickets’]
• His parents gave permission to use his paychecks to pay back some of the debt [How Jack Johnson’s Parents Screwed Him And Left Him Millions In Debt]
Sports Business
• Leigh Steinberg is eyeing a major comeback [Show Leigh Steinberg The Money (Again)]