Leigh Steinberg, CEO of Steinberg Sports & Entertainment, has joined InvestAcure’s advisory board to help spearhead the implementation of the company’s 3-year plan to generate $1 billion in annual investment for Alzheimer’s, CTE and related dementias until a cure is found.
“Every 65 seconds, someone in this country is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is a public health crisis of unprecedented proportion, robbing us of our most precious memories and devastating families,” said Leigh Steinberg. “With the InvestAcure spare change investment platform, the American public can have a game-changing opportunity to partner in turning discoveries into effective therapeutics,” added Steinberg.
According to an article on Yahoo Finance, “Alzheimer’s is the only top 10 cause of death with no disease-modifying drug. Almost half of us are likely to develop the disease if we live to 84. Women and African Americans are twice as likely to develop the disease. It is also the most expensive disease in the US, costing $277 billion in 2018 and projected to rise to $1.1 trillion per year by 2050.”
“70 million US adults have a family member with Alzheimer’s. If just 2.4% become spare-change investors that would generate $1 billion in annual investment, a 10-fold increase over the total Venture Capital investment in the space over the past decade. This would enable countless new approaches to be developed and tested, speeding the development of a cure and saving lives.”
With the InvestAcure platform, millions of Americans are able to automatically invest spare change from round-ups of daily transactions into a portfolio of companies working on developing effective therapeutics.
If there is any individual who can spearhead the quest to find a cure for Alzheimer’s and CTE, it is Leigh Steinberg. Leigh has devoted his entire 45-year career to trying to achieve his father’s two values: One is to treasure relationships, especially family. The second is try to make a real difference in the world in a positive way and help people who can’t help themselves. With 8 No. 1 NFL Draft picks, 60 first-round players, 10 Hall of Famers and negotiated over $3 billion in contracts, Leigh’s love and care for his clients trumps all his accolades. The importance of being a positive role model that Leigh instills in his clients leads to the creation of powerful foundations such as “15 and the Mahomies” that was recently started by NFL MVP and current client, Patrick Mahomes.
Leigh Steinberg’s influence spans far outside the realm of the National Football League. Leigh’s passion to “make a real difference in the world in a positive way and help people who can’t help themselves” will provide the spark for InvestAcure’s advisory board to develop a cure for Alzeimer’s, CTE and related dementias.
About InvestAcure, PBC
InvestAcure, PBC is a finance company building an investment platform to enable individuals who share a ‘Common Need’ to see progress in developing a cure for Alzheimer’s, CTE and related dementias – to automatically round up purchases and invest the change in a portfolio of companies working to develop scientific discoveries from basic research into effective treatments. The company’s 3-year plan is to reach 1.7+ million users, generating $1 billion in annual investment for Alzheimer’s, CTE and other related dementias until a cure is found.