There should be a new movie out soon called “Any Given Saturday”. Never in my memory have I seen teams ranked 1 & 2 in college rankings go down like this year. So who will be in the championship game? Send your predictions in and I will post what the majority thinks next week.
Heeeeeeeees Baaaaaaaack. Ricky Williams sans hair will play next week. The question is will he be featured in a trade for a draft pick? Or will The Fins give him a third chance? I believe they will trade for a draft pick. Cam Cameron is finally doing what he should have done 3 games ago. He will start the Rookie John Beck this Sunday. The press and even the owner was putting the heat on. Talking about the Heat…pretty awful start. The Celtics are keeping the Boston area excited. What a city to be a sports fan this year.
Many so called experts say Tebow, only a sophomore, has no chance for the Heisman. I ask, who is more deserving? I can’t think of anybody at this time. He can do it all.
Till next week be safe out there.
-Phil Heitner (Darren’s father)