

Darren Heitner created Sports Agent Blog as a New Year’s Resolution on December 31, 2005. Originally titled, “I Want To Be A Sports Agent,” this website was created with the intention of causing Heitner to learn more about the profession that he wanted to join, meet reputable individuals in the space and force himself to stay on top of the latest news and trends. Heitner has since become an agent, relinquished his role as a sports agent and is currently the Founder and Chief Vision Officer of Heitner Legal, P.L.L.C., which represents many agents and their athlete clients.

Since 2005, Sports Agent Blog has become the most credible source for sports agent-related news. Practically every sports agent and individual interested in becoming a sports agent has viewed Sports Agent Blog and become an active reader of same.

Sports Agent Blog has been listed as the top blog that every aspiring sports agent should read, with the listing publication stating that, “Sports Agent Blog is the premiere online blogging resource for people in the industry … Aspiring and current agents can glean a lot of information from each of this blog’s posts, including the details of new signings in a variety of sports. There are also several other valuable sections within the blog such as agent interviews and a comprehensive list of existing agencies. In other words, if you want to become a sports agent, this is a blog you should read on a daily basis to become well-informed about the industry.”

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