As an agent, you need to sell your player at the price he/she deserves. In-depth statistical performance analysis has been the latest fad in Major League Baseball. Billy Beane of the Oakland Athletics has been using it for years, and Paul Depodesta was using it…until he got fired from the Los Angeles Dodgers. I predict […]
Author: Darren Heitner
Darren Heitner created Sports Agent Blog as a New Year's Resolution on December 31, 2005. Originally titled, "I Want To Be A Sports Agent," the website was founded with the intention of causing Heitner to learn more about the profession that he wanted to join, meet reputable individuals in the space and force himself to stay on top of the latest news and trends.
Heitner now runs Heitner Legal, P.L.L.C., which is a law firm with many practice areas, including sports law and contract law. Heitner has represented numerous athletes and sports agents as legal counsel. He has also served as an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University Bloomington from 2011-2014, where he created and taught a course titled, Sport Agency Management, which included subjects ranging from NCAA regulations to athlete agent certification and the rules governing the profession. Heitner serves as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Florida Levin College of Law, where he teaches a Sports Law class that includes case law surrounding athlete agents and the NCAA rules.
MLB Wants Your $$$
Cover up your face MLB…you should be ashamed of yourself… Check out an interesting post over at the Sports Law Blog on: Can Player Statistics Be “Owned”? Apparently the MLB believes that since it has won lawsuit after lawsuit in the past to retain its anti-trust exemption, it can do whatever the hell it wants…charging […]
I wish this blog existed in the height of the T.O. fiesta (I figure fiesta could fit the description), although that issue is not overwith anyway. The big talk as of late, though, has turned to Ron Artest and his demand to be traded out of Indiana. Artest’s agent, Mark Stevens has received some press […]
So the Houston Texans officially won…by losing A LOT! The top 7 picks of the 2006 NFL Draft will be in this order: 1. Houston Texans (2-14) 2. New Orleans Saints (3-13) 3. Tennessee Titans (4-12) 4. New York Jets (4-12) 5. Green Bay Packers (4-12) 6. Oakland Raiders (4-12) 7. San Fransisco 49ers (4-12)…boy […]
Outback Bowl win this year…National Championship next year…you heard it here first! With some of the top recruits in the nation (see: Tim Tebow, Percy Harvin, Carl Johnson) coming to UF next year and the current #1 Recruiting class in the nation, you have to think that the Gainesville, Fl. campus will be swamped (oh, […]
What would a Sports Agent blog be without discussion on the current (whether it’s good for the business of sports or not) poster-boy of the Sports Agent world, Drew Rosenhaus? In his last Press Conference (notice that we actually have not seen him in a while), he barely answered any questions from the press straight-forward, […]
Happy New Year and may 2006 be full of fun and good health for all. Yes, I lied. A terrible hangover cannot prevent me from starting the New Year off with another post to this blog. So today’s subject is: You are already late. This mainly applies to future Sports Agents, but is actually relevant […]
Show Me The Money!!!…Blog
Good morning world! this blog is born the day before 2006, and is here to stay. A little background information is necessary for this first post… What: This blog is intended to revolutionize the way we look at the Business of Sports Agents. It is not about Jerry Maguire, it is not about “Show Me […]