Headline Sports Business Sports Law

Nova Southeastern University Shepard Broad Law Center 2016 Sports and Entertainment Law Symposium

What: SELS Symposium “The Cost of Entertainment: A Comprehensive Look into the Cost of Sports & Entertainment in the Modern Era” When: Saturday, February 20th, 8:30am-6:30pm Where: NSU Shepard Broad College of Law Panza Maurer Law Library, 3rd floor 3305 College Avenue, Davie, FL 33314 Agenda Panel 1: The Impact of Concussions on Athletes From High School […]

Headline Sports Business Sports Law

University of Pennsylvania Law School Entertainment & Sports Law Society Annual Symposium

What: 3rd Annual Penn Law Sports Law Symposium, “Sports In 2025” When: Friday, February 19, 2016 Where: University of Pennsylvania Law School, Michael A. Fitts Auditorium Schedule:  10:00 –10:30am: Light Breakfast 10:30 – 11:00am: Opening Remarks (Sports Illustrated’s L. Jon Wertheim) 11:00 – 12:15pm: Panel 1: The Anticipated Growth in International Markets and Publicly Funded Stadiums 12:15 – […]

Entertainment Law Headline Sports Law

University of Oregon School of Law 2016 Sports and Entertainment Law Forum

What: 2016 Sports and Entertainment Law Forum When: February 5, 2016 Where: Ford Alumni Center, Eugene, OR 97403 Conference Schedule & Keynote Presenter 9:00 AM — 9:30 AM…………………………………………………………..Check–In 9:30 AM — 10:50 AM……………………………………………..Compliance Panel 11:05 AM — 12:15 PM……………………………………Sports and Business Panel 12:15 PM —1:10 PM……………………………………………………………….Lunch 1:15 PM — 2:15 PM………………………………Keynote Speaker Darren Heitner 2:15 PM — 3:30 PM…………………………………………..General Counsel […]

Headline Sports Business Sports Law

The Legal Issues Surrounding Sponsorship At The Rugby World Cup

Sport sponsorship can often come with various complications and issues, but it’s certainly something that is worth the time and hassle given the global exposure. Sponsorship is an excellent way of enhancing brand image and tends to catch the public eye – by attaching your name to that of a top class event you too […]

Headline Sports Business Sports Law

The NFL And “Paid Patriotism”

According to an article by Eben Novy-Williams of BloombergBusiness, the NFL plans to refund taxpayer dollars paid to teams for military tributes. The Department of Defense has spent more than $10 million on sports sponsorship in the past five years for box seats, advertising, on-site recruiting, and perhaps most controversial, tributes for soldiers. This has […]

Sports Law

Football Agents Sued By Recruiter For Not Paying Him Off

There is a belief that many football agents use other individuals (oftentimes referred to as “runners”) to assist them in the recruitment of potential NFL player clientele. In fact, the NFL Players Association has recognized same as being an issue and in 2012 amended its regulations to prohibit certified Contract Advisors from using, associating with, […]

Headline Sports Law

Differences In Prohibited Drug-Substances: The World Anti-Doping Agency vs. The National Football League?

The following is a guest contribution from Shaune Fraser, a student in Darren’s sports law class at the University of Florida. In 1999, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) created The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), an international independent agency, whose mission is to lead a collaborative worldwide movement for doping-free sport. WADA created the World Anti-Doping […]

Sports Agents Sports Law

Baseball ‘Agent’ Sued For Fraud By Yankees Minor League Player

Baseball players beware; not every person holding himself out as a baseball agent actually has the capacity to help you progress your career.  New York Yankees Minor League Baseball (MiLB) player Angelo Gumbs found that out the hard way, according to a complaint that he has filed against an individual he claims stole upward of […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Who Actually Benefits From Athlete Agent Laws?

I have been provided the opportunity to sit in on a class taught by ESPN and Sports Illustrated writer Andrew Brandt that is called “Business and Legal Aspects of Professional Sports.” Brandt is teaching the class through Villanova University’s online offering, which makes it easy for anyone to access the content.  This article is part […]

Headline Sports Law

2015 National Sports Law Institute of Marquette University Law School Conference

What: Maintaining Fairness, Integrity and Safety in Sports Conference hosted by the National Sports Law Institute of Marquette University Law School When: October 16, 2015 Where: Marquette University Law School, Eckstein Hall The conference will feature panels discussing fairness and integrity in sports, concussions and safety issues in sports, SafeSport, and sexual harassment issues in sport. Registration cost ranges […]