Colleges Headline Sports Law

Amateurism, Pay For Play Topics Highlight Inaugural Penn Law Sports Law Symposium

What: Inaugural Penn Law Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, February 28, 2014 Where: University of Pennsylvania Law School, Michael A. Fitts Auditorium About: The day-long discussion at the Inaugural Penn Law Sports Law Symposium will address the increasingly murky transition from amateur to professional status in sports.  This timely issue impacts the legal, ethical, and socio-economic […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

Third Annual Great Lakes Sports and Entertainment Law Academy Begins May 19

For the third consecutive year, law students from around the country looking for a career in sports or entertainment law will have the opportunity to experience hands-on, practical-lawyer training in their given industry at the annual Great Lakes Sports and Entertainment Law Academy (GLSELA).  Hosted on the campus of Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in conjunction […]

Headline Sports Business Sports Law

ESPN’s Jemele Hill Highlights 5th Annual Speaker Summit At Louisville

What: 5th Annual SPAD Speaker Summit When: Friday, February 28, 2014 Where: Brown and Williamson Club, Papa John’s Cardinal Stadium The University of Louisville’s sport administration program will feature ESPN’s Jemele Hill at its fifth annual SPAD Speaker Summit. The summit brings together professionals from the sports business industry for presentations and discussions in law, […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

Harvard Law School To Discuss Social Media And Intersection Of Business & Law At Symposium

What: Harvard Law Sports and Entertainment Symposium When: Friday, February 21, 2014 Where: Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall Schedule 12:00 – 12:15  Weiler Awards 12:20 – 1:20    Keynote David Otunga, Harvard Law School Alumnus, WWE wrestler 1:30 – 2:30      Panel 1 — The Intersection Of Business & Law Jay Cohen, General Counsel, Dallas Cowboys Andy […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

Miami Law School Set To Discuss NCAA, Evolution Of Music Revenues And Social Media

What: 17th Annual Entertainment and Sports Law Symposium When: Saturday, March 22, 2014 Where: University of Miami, Student Activities Center Speakers Andrew Brandt, NFL Business Analyst, ESPN Matt Buser, Co-Founder, JaMM Entertainment Darryl Cohen, Partner, Cohen, Cooper, Estep & Allen Charlie Feldman, VP Of Writer-Publisher Relations, BMI, Inc. Blake James, Athletic Director, University of Miami […]

Headline Sports Law

New York Law School To Host Event On Doping, NCAA, And Breaking Into Sports Biz

What: 5th Annual New York Law School Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, February 21, 2014 Where: NY Law School Panelists Joel Araujo, Manager/International Talent Development at Major League Baseball; Jodi Balsam, Associate Professor at NYLS; Former Counsel for Operations and Litigation at the NFL; Jason Belzer, President, Global Athlete Management Enterprises, Inc.; Mark Conrad ’81, Director of the Sports […]

Headline Sports Law

Fordham Sports Law Symposium To Tackle Jay Z, PEDs And Redskins

What: 18th Annual Fordham Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, February 14, 2014 Where: Fordham University Lowenstein Building Panelists Daniel B. Adams, Counsel, Ropes & Gray LLP Stephen R. Baird, Shareholder, Whintrop & Weinstine, P.A., Minneapolis, Minnesota Robert Boland, Academic Chair and Professor of Sports Management, New York University Arthur L. Caplan, Ph.D, Drs. William F. […]

College Football Players Headline Sports Law

Northwestern’s State Of The Collegiate Union Address

On Tuesday, before President Obama’s State of the Union Address took over American television sets, news of another potential NCAA lawsuit bombarded viewers’ television screens. Most news stories involved Northwestern University’s starting quarterback and co-captain, Kain Colter, who aired his frustrations with the NCAA. Colter exclaimed, “[t]he system resembles a dictatorship where the NCAA mandates […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

Legal Issues In Sport To Be Discussed At Chapman University

What: Chapman Entertainment and Sports Law Symposium 2014 When: Friday, February 7, 2014 Where: Chapman University, Fowler School of Law About: The business of sports is continuously evolving, creating new challenges and opportunities for sports lawyers and other legal professionals.  Prime time sports have become one of the last forms of live broadcast entertainment, with […]

Headline NFL Players Sports Business Sports Law

United Nations To Host Concussion Awareness Summit

What: Coalition for Concussion Treatment (#C4CT) Concussion Awareness Summit When: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 Where: United Nations, New York City, NY About: The #C4CT Summit is the opening of the five-day Brewer Sports International Super Bowl XLVIII Exclusive Events series, which includes The Jack Brewer Foundation (JBF Worldwide) Global Ambassadors Sport for Development Summit, Super […]