Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Tank Black Tanked For Not Making Restitution Payments

Back in 2009 I reviewed Tank Black’s book titled, Tanked! The Tank Black Story.  Black wrote the book roughly a year post-release from prison.  He found his way behind bars in July 2000 after being accused of stealing money from clients and illegally paying money to college players to induce them to sign with his company, along with […]

Headline Sports Law

California’s Athlete Agent Act To Be Reformed In 2012

California State Senator Kevin de León’s sports agent reform bill (Senate Bill 238) has been signed by California’s governor and will become law starting on January 1, 2012.  However, I am not quite ready to go on the record and agree with de León’s statement that “California’s collegiate student athletes scored big when [the bill] was […]

Headline Sports Law

NCAA Amateurism Cabinet Seeks To Expand Definition Of Sports Agent

In the past year, states like Tennessee, have taken great efforts to expand their definitions of “sports agents” within their respective athlete agent laws.  Whether or not new states’ legislation will actually bring a change to states’ enforcement of the regulations remains to be seen. Last week, the NCAA revealed that it too has begun […]

Headline Sports Law

Powerful NBA Agents Seek Use Of Decertification Weapon

Over the weekend, Adrian Wojnarowski of Yahoo! Sports Tweeted the following: [blackbirdpie url=”″] Wojnarowski Tweeted that statement after Arn Tellem of Wasserman Media Group, Mark Bartelstein of Priority Sports, and many other prominent basketball agents met with National Basketball Players Association (NBPA) Executive Director Billy Hunter on Friday to talk about the NBA lockout (which […]

Headline Recruiting Sports Agents Sports Law

The Actors Behind Georgia Tech’s Punishment

Last week, Georgia Tech lost its 2009 ACC Conference Championship, was told that it has to pay a $100,000 fine, and is on 4-years of probation all because the NCAA found out that a friend of an employee of an Atlanta, Georgia sports agency provided impermissible benefits to a football player on that 2009 football team.  Actually, […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

Need Sports Agents Who Are “No Men”

Sometimes Deion Sanders says things that sound responsible, such as talking to young NFL players prior to the start of the lockout and making them understand that there is “going to be a famine” (in his words).  The demand of lockout loans and agent switching is proof that Sanders was correct in his statement.  Other times, Sanders […]

Headline International Basketball Sports Agents Sports Law

Wayne Chism And His Agent Awarded Money By Basketball Arbitral Tribunal

In my Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up from February 11, 2011, I wrote that agents should make sure to get Basketball Arbitral Tribunal (BAT) clauses it in their international players’ contracts.  If inserted in a player’s contract, the clause allows either the team or player to have the Basketball Arbitral Tribunal oversee a legal proceeding and resolve a […]

Headline Sports Law

National Sports & Entertainment Law Society (NSELS) Seeking State Reps

The National Sports & Entertainment Law Society (NSELS) is a low-profit, limited-liability company created by law students that focuses on organizing and centralizing sports and entertainment law societies; providing a resource for both emerging and established sports and entertainment law societies; connecting students who want to pursue a legal career in the industries; and educating […]

College Football Players Headline Sports Law

Michael McAdoo Sues UNC, NCAA To Restore Eligibility

On July 1, 2011, Michael McAdoo filed a Complaint in North Carolina against the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill along with its Chancellor, H. Holden Thorp, and the NCAA.  McAdoo was a football player at UNC until the NCAA ruled that he was permanently ineligible to perform in intercollegiate athletics based on McAdoo’s alleged receipt of $110 in improper […]

Headline Sports Agents Sports Law

New Tennessee Athlete Agent Law Accounts For Cecil Newton, Will Lyles, Runners, Etc.

The Athlete Agent Reform Act of 2011, a new sports agent law in Tennessee, took effect four days ago on July 1, 2011.  With the new law in place, Tennessee becomes the most recent state to strengthen penalties with regards to illegal activities by sports agents.  As with other states, there is no indication that the […]