Colleges Headline Sports Law

Duke Law 5th Annual Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium

Via Duke Law School Website
Via Duke Law School Website

What: Duke Law 5th Annual Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium

When: Friday January 16, 2015

Where: Duke Law School- 210 Science Drive, Durham, NC 27708


The Fifth Annual Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium, Friday January 16, 2015, will provide meaningful opportunity for discussion and interaction among Duke students, visiting professors, legal practitioners, and industry leaders. Panels and speakers will once again focus on recent legal developments in the sports and entertainment industries. The event offers attendees panel discussions covering a range of current topics in the world of sports and entertainment law and the opportunity to meet professionals in these fields. The symposium is sponsored by the Sports and Entertainment Law Society at Duke Law. For more information, please contact Veronica Badway at or Jake Unger at

Panel topics are:

Financing and Development of Professional Athletic Venues

Royalties in the Modern Music Industry

Misappropriation of College Athletes’ Rights

The Importance of Personal Conduct Policies for Schools, Teams, and Leagues

Impacts of the Supreme Court’s Aereo Decision

The Line Between Fantasy Sports and Gambling

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