Last Friday, Marc Isenberg contributed a great piece to Sports Agent Blog concerning his Do It Yourself Rookie Symposium. Based on the fact that the NFL rookie symposium is cancelled this year, Isenberg has offered to provide a free copy of his Go Pro Like a Pro booklet to any NFL draftee, undrafted free agent, and will even provide it free of charge to current NFL veterans.
Upon publishing Marc’s post, I received an email from John Hanselman at NCompass Financial, who also has some free literature to share with rookies who unfortunately do not get to experience the rookie symposium because of the lingering lockout. His booklet is titled, The Rookie Financial Handbook, and I have embedded it at the bottom of this post for all to peruse.
Also a short read, Hanselman’s handbook discusses communications with a Certified Public Accountant after a player signs his first professional contract, considering personal disability insurance, benefits of renting instead of buying property, carving out a 5-10% after tax “fun money” allowance, proper budgeting, developing a financial roadmap, and estate planning.