Headline Sports Law

New York Law School Sports Law Symposium

What: New York Law School Sports Law Symposium When: Monday, April 5, 2010 Where: Event Center (W201) – New York Law School (map) Panels: 12:45-1:45: Legal Issues in Running a Professional Sports League and Stadium Jessica Berman (Associate Counsel, NHL) Mark Stefanacci?(Chief Operating Officer & Legal Counsel, NJ Sports Exposition Authority) Sue Cohig (Senior Vice President, […]

Headline NBA Players Sports Law

Gilbert Arenas’ Sentencing Memorandum

Yesterday, I received the sentencing memorandum on behalf of Gilbert Arenas, along with those exhibits to the memorandum that are not publicly accessible.   The memorandum was provided to the government and the judge last week and it was formally filed yesterday.  I am attaching it, in its entirety, at the bottom of this post. The […]

Headline Sports Law

Fordham Sports Law Symposium

Yesterday, I reported that Harvard Law School will be hosting a Sports Law Symposium on March 26.  It looks like the Ivy League school has a little bit of competition from a school in New York.  Full details below. What: 14th Annual Fordham Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, March 26, 2010 (8:30 a.m. – 4:35 […]

Headline Sports Law

2010 Spring Sports Law Symposium at Harvard Law School

What: Spring 2010 Harvard Sports Law Symposium When: Friday, March 26, 2010 (12 p.m. – 8 p.m.) Where: Pound Hall at Harvard Law School (map) Cost: Free (my favorite price) The theme for the symposium is “Operating in the Shadow of Upcoming Collective Bargaining Negotiations.”  Each of the panels and the keynote address will shed […]

Headline Sports Law

International Sport Law & Business Conference

I have just received very interesting information from my friend Tassos Kaburakis, who is an attorney and Assistant Professor of Sport Law and Sport Management/Director of Sport Management Graduate Program at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.  My Greek friend wanted me to pass on the news that the International Sport Law & Business Conference (ISLBC) has set a […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

St. Thomas Entertainment And Sports Law Society Symposium

This upcoming Saturday, I will be speaking on two panels at the St. Thomas University School of Law Spring Symposium.  Who doesn’t like to spend their Spring Break speaking to students about sports law?  Here are the details. What: 2010 St. Thomas University School of Law Spring Symposium Where: St. Thomas University School of Law […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

James Paxton’s College Baseball Career Is Over

James Paxton‘s fight with the NCAA brings out everything I hate about organized sports.  When it becomes all about money, power, and respect, people suffer.  Those, like Paxton, who do nothing illegal, unethical, nothing out of hatred or spite, but still get punished, show the problems that may exist in organized sport.  When institutions grow […]

Headline MLB Players Sports Law

Athletes Premier International And Hendricks Sports Management Reach Settlement

Most claims get settled before they ever make it to court.  File Athletes Premier International, Inc. v. Hendricks Sports Management in that class of claims.  Yesterday, Jon Heyman and Melissa Segura of Sports Illustrated, reported that the parties have settled for an undisclosed amount of money.  In all likelihood, Mejia agreed to keep the settlement […]

Headline MLB Players Sports Law

Hendricks Sports Management Finds Itself In A Big Mess

Randal Hendricks, Alan Hendricks, and Hendricks Sports Management, received some press they were not looking for when the public found out that Hendricks Sports Management was being sued by Edwin Mejia and Athletes Premier International (API) on a claim that Hendricks Sports Management tortiously interfered with API’s representation of Aroldis Chapman, prior to Chapman leaving […]

Headline Sports Law

Duties of Sports Agents to Athletes and Statutory Regulation Thereof

I was recently published in Volume 7, Issue 3, Fall 2009 of the Dartmouth Law Journal.  The title of the piece is, Duties of Sports Agents to Athletes and Statutory Regulation Thereof.  I think that this will be a good read for anyone who is a regular visitor of this site. Abstract: The Sports Agent Responsibility […]