MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

On To The Next One: Dayan Viciedo

Ready for a new feature?  I was listening to the radio yesterday and on comes Jay-Z’s, On To The Next One.  For some reason I start to think how I can incorporate the song’s title into  And then it strikes me – Whenever a player drops his agent for a new one, we will […]

Sports Business

A Sports Agent And A Teacher?

While the agents listed on the post published an hour ago are all very successful and able to devote their entire time to their agencies, many agents, especially up-and-coming agents, need to supplement the income they receive (if they are even in the black) from their athlete clients. As I am going into my last […]

Headline Sports Agents

Ranking The Sports Agent Attorneys

While no state and no players’ association requires an agent to be an attorney in order to become a licensed sports agent (the NFL does require that the person have a postgraduate degree, though), many agents did go to law school, and quite a few have passed at least one state Bar Exam.  There are […]

Sports Agents

Interviews With Joe Rosen And Jeff Frye

In the past few weeks, has had a couple of agents on its Hot Stove TV column.  One is Joe Rosen of Orpheus Sports and the other is Jeff Frye of Franklin-Frye Sports. Joe Rosen’s big client is Hideki Okajima.  It doesn’t hurt that he is based in Boston (allows for a lot of face-time […]

Entertainment Headline Sports Law

St. Thomas Entertainment And Sports Law Society Symposium

This upcoming Saturday, I will be speaking on two panels at the St. Thomas University School of Law Spring Symposium.  Who doesn’t like to spend their Spring Break speaking to students about sports law?  Here are the details. What: 2010 St. Thomas University School of Law Spring Symposium Where: St. Thomas University School of Law […]

Hockey Sports Agents

Rookie Duties: First Intermission Report

As I mentioned last week, this entry marks the 26th week of “Rookie Duties” and to celebrate Darren not pulling the plug on my operation thus far, I wanted to provide you with a little “Best of” edition. I’m hoping that doing so will provide a little perspective on how far things have come in […]

Performance Analysis Sports Business

Ask The Expert: Joseph McAuliffe, Edge Sports Academy

The most recent Ask The Expert is up at  Matthew Allinson hosted a certified strength and conditioning specialist named Joseph McAuliffe.  McAuliffe has been a fitness professional for almost a quarter of a century and is the Program Director of Edge Sports Academy and Health Club in Eatontown, NJ. He has trained over 300 Division […]

A Rare Prospect In Panama City, Florida

This time of year, Panama City, Florida becomes a hot spot for Spring Breakers throughout the Southeast United States.  Panama City boasts beautiful beaches, superb sunsets, and plenty of bars that don’t care to ID their patrons.  I am not trying to get any bar owners in trouble by writing this post, however. One thing […]

Headline Recruiting Sports Agents

Men Lie. Women Lie. Numbers Don’t.

This is the first post by Rand J. Getlin – President & Founder of Synrgy Sports Consulting. What do Deion Sanders, Michael Crabtree and Dez Bryant all have in common? Aside from the fact that they’ve all eaten dinner at chateau de Primetime, they’re all clients of super agent Eugene Parker. What do Mike Jenkins, […]


An Intern(al) Look at Becoming A Sports Agent

This week has been anything but a break, even though I haven’t had class because of Spring Break. Although it was nice not to have to read for class everyday, there was still plenty of other stuff to do. I spent much of this week studying for the MPRE exam. For those of you with […]