Performance Analysis Sports Law

WVU College of Law Steroids Forum

What: Discussion about the legal implications the use of steroids can have on the athletes, management and the game of baseball. Where: WVU Law Center’s Marlyn Lugar Courtroom. When: Wednesday, April 16, 2008. 2:00PM. Topic: False/Positives: The Current State of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports. Panelists: Jay Reisinger – attorney for Andy Pettitte and Sammy […]

MLB Players MLB Teams

On Average, Baseball Players Are Banking

The Florida Marlins and the New York Yankees won last night. Both teams got a tally in the win column, but the Marlins’ win cost a lot less than the Yankees’ win. In fact, the entire payroll of this year’s Marlins teams comes out to less than what A-Rod will make for playing third base. […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

I really hope all of you enjoyed the most recent Dynasty Notes. A lot has happened since the post, which was only a couple of days ago. We have some deals on the table for our two baseball clients and just announced the development of Dynasty’s Entertainment Division (go to the Clients section on the […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: Change Up

When it comes down to it, there is no sport that I enjoy or know more about than baseball. A large reason for that is that I grew up with a father who was and continues to be a passionate New York Yankees fan (you have to remember that the Florida Marlins were not around […]

Dynasty Athlete Representation

Dynasty Notes – Part 10

Dynasty Notes will take you through the development of Dynasty Athlete Representation, LLC. If you have not yet read Dynasty Notes – Part 9, go ahead and read it. Enjoy Dynasty Notes – Part 10. When the last Dynasty Notes was published, I was going through a very hectic period, juggling all of the legalities […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

Remember that little recruiting weekend that I was talking about right before Spring Break? Overall, it was very successful. However, unfortunately, one of the players being recruited will be signing with another agency. Such is life. Dynasty is continuing its effort to gain some basketball clients and may soon be announcing the signing of some […]

Contract Negotiation Hockey MLB Players MLB Rules MLB Teams NBA Players NBA Teams NFL Players NFL Teams Sports Agents Sports Business

MLB players receive the lowest percentage of leaguewide revenue

The next time you hear someone complain about the seemingly skyrocketing salaries in Major League Baseball (MLB), remind them of two things. One, the amount players make must be viewed in tandem with what the League and its owners are pulling in; and two, in the last five years, the percentage of League revenue paid […]

The Wash Up

The Wash Up 26th November – 3rd December

Here’s some stories you may have missed last week: – MLS team owners want more money in the salary cap. They have proposed two options. First, a straight out $2.5 million dollar cap. Secondly, a $2.3 million cap, with extra money allowed for transfers. [Debate highlights MLS salary cap split among teams] A surprising fact […]

Contract Negotiation MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

Will The Yankees Success Hurt Agents?

Since the beginning of the Steinbrenner era, the Yankees have been notorious for purchasing high-priced and sometimes overvalued free-agents.  George Steinbrenner’s willingness to spend an exorbitant amount of money on his team has made Sports Agents eager to have their clients signed by the New York Yankees (for recent story, see: Johnny Damon). But when […]

Contract Negotiation Sports Agents Sports Law

Agent or Advisor?

The Sports Law Blog made a post on July 24th highlighting Phil Kessel’s (hockey player at University of Minnesota) contract negotiations with the Boston Bruins. An agent by the name of Wade Arnott is serving as an advisor instead of as an agent. He is not receiving any money for his services as an advisor, […]