Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah) to all my fellow Jews.  Start loading up on the carbs in anticipation of Yom Kippur (by far my least favorite holiday, but actually my favorite at the same time…truly appreciate life).  Anyway, I was supposed to be headed to Viera, FL today for All Florida Weekend, but a lot […]

College Football Players Colleges Recruiting Sports Agents

Success of UConn Football Program Sparks Interest in Sports Agent Business in Connecticut

Jason Millman of, wrote an interesting article this past week regarding Robinson and Cole’s plan to pursue a sports business practice. I wrote an article a few weeks back on this story, and it seems that as the University of Connecticut’s football team continues to excel, the sports agent business in Connecticut has received […]

NFL Players NFL Teams Retirement

Blood Equity / No Forgotten Legends (NFL)

There are many players who suffer after their days of playing professional sports are over. The extreme cases come in the form of being paralyzed or having extremely damaged brain tissue (ex: Andre Waters). Instead of forgetting about our clients once they are through providing us with the big-time commissions, we should uphold our fiduciary […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

I am heading up to Winston-Salem, NC today (a lovely 8+ hour drive) and will be attending Chris Paul’s PBA Celebrity Invitational tomorrow at the AMF Major League Lanes.  I am going in support of Dynasty‘s client, Tommy Jones, who will be paired up with Miami’s own Dwyane Wade and I will be meeting up with Dynasty’s […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

I get heat from some of my friends for my interest in watching Olympic swimming.  I am sorry that I prefer to watch Americans go for the gold over a pointless Monday night preseason NFL game.  Anyway, I love Phelps, but nothing beats this headline from this past week: Two Jews and a black man […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

Lots of football and basketball on the Shabbat dinner table this week.  You won’t be hearing much from me this weekend, as I am packing up for my move back to Gainesville for the 2nd year law school experience.  On Sunday, I will be making the trek back up to the #1 Party School in […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

Summer is quickly winding down.  I will be in Orlando this weekend at the Disney Wide World of Sports complex watching some of the next big basketball stars take the court.  A week later, I’ll be back up in Gainesville, moving into a house right across from the law school and getting ready for my […]

Book Reviews

Book Review: GIANT

Right after the Miami Dolphins (I forgot to mention that I sat behind Don Shula on my way to Jacksonville for a business meeting this Tuesday), my favorite team is the New York Giants.  I went wild at Club ESPN in Disney World when the Giants had the miraculous fourth quarter that ended up knocking […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

I love Jewish Jordan, this site loves Jewish Jordan, and lets face it, you love Jordan Farmar too.  How could you not, when the guy decides to use his summer vacation to try to bring peace to the Middle East?  He will be heading to Israel next month to run summer basketball camps that host […]

Contract Negotiation NFL Players

“The Owners Allowed The Agents To Beat Their Rear Ends.”

The issue regarding high rookie salaries has been a buzz around many of the professional leagues this summer.  The NFL and NBA had their drafts recently with veteran players watching the rookies take home some big checks.  ESPN NFL analyst Chris Mortensen claims that the managers are the ones complaining yet they are the ones […]