Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (5/14/2010)

In two hours, I will be on stage at the O’Connell Center (where UF plays its basketball games), officially graduating from University of Florida’s Levin College of Law.  The whole family is in town, which is nice (but rare).  On Monday, I begin studying for the Florida Bar.  As I have mentioned before, other than […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (3/12/2010)

It may officially be Spring Break, but this week has been no break for me.  Between visiting clients at Spring Training facilities and meeting with parents of potential future advisees, along with a bunch of other business related tasks, I sure have been able to keep myself busy during what has been a relaxing week […]

MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

On To The Next One: Dayan Viciedo

Ready for a new feature?  I was listening to the radio yesterday and on comes Jay-Z’s, On To The Next One.  For some reason I start to think how I can incorporate the song’s title into  And then it strikes me – Whenever a player drops his agent for a new one, we will […]

Headline Sports Agents

Ranking The Sports Agent Attorneys

While no state and no players’ association requires an agent to be an attorney in order to become a licensed sports agent (the NFL does require that the person have a postgraduate degree, though), many agents did go to law school, and quite a few have passed at least one state Bar Exam.  There are […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

James Paxton’s College Baseball Career Is Over

James Paxton‘s fight with the NCAA brings out everything I hate about organized sports.  When it becomes all about money, power, and respect, people suffer.  Those, like Paxton, who do nothing illegal, unethical, nothing out of hatred or spite, but still get punished, show the problems that may exist in organized sport.  When institutions grow […]

Headline MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

Scott Boras Is All Aboard The Shin-Soo Choo Train

Super-baseball agent Scott Boras has a new client, Cleveland Indians rising start Shin-Soo Choo.  The right fielder, who hit .300 and 20 homeruns last year is part of the Indians grand scheme for the future…maybe.  The recent change in representation to Boras from Octagon Worldwide’s Al Nero, may throw a curveball at the Indians chances […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (2/26/2010)

It’s time for the NFL Combine.  I will be watching the festivities from the comfort of my couch in Florida.  I have no reason to be there, so why travel to a place even colder than Gainesville?  It is currently in the low 30s here.  Spring Training games are about to start, and I cannot […]

Colleges Headline Sports Law

James Paxton Continues To Sit And Wait

MLB Mock Drafts are much less exciting than NFL Mock Drafts.  The NFL Draft only has 7 rounds, but most “mock experts” only predict the first few rounds.  The MLB, with 50 rounds, is almost impossible to guess.  But the first round picks are usually known a year ahead of time.  With high school and […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up (2/19/2010)

I am down in South Florida yet again (it seems to be a rather normal occurrence in my final semester of law school.  Tomorrow, I will be speaking at the 3rd Annual Nova Southeastern University Sports & Entertainment Law Symposium.  The panel runs from 2:20 p.m.-3:10 p.m. and its focus is on Athletes Overcoming Their Indiscretions.  I’ll […]

Headline MLB Players MLB Teams Sports Agents

Scott Boras Loses One, Gains One, In Busy Weekend

Busy weekends is the norm over at Scott Boras Corp. headquarters.  This past weekend was no exception.  Scott Boras has been busy playing with the media concerning Johnny Damon negotiations, but he also had a client fire him and subsequently was hired by a different professional player. Johnny Damon is not the only Scott Boras […]