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Baseball Career Conference at the Baseball Winter Meetings

What: Baseball Career Conference hosted by Sports Management Worldwide When: December 2-3, 2012 Where: Radisson Hotel at Opryland in Nashville, Tennessee The goal of the Baseball Career Conference is to provide members of the sports industry an opportunity to work with and learn from leading industry experts regarding the representation of athletes and the challenges of operating professional […]

Headline MLB Rules Recruiting

Agents and Advisors: An Athlete’s Perspective

The following guest article was written by Tyler Nepote, sophomore at Wichita State, who may be reached at “Some things are done to attempt to teach athletes about the agent selection process, however it is not near where it should be,” said a highly recruited draft prospect. We are always talking and learning about the best practices for […]

Headline MLB Rules Sports Law

A Discussion Of The October 2010 MLBPA Regulations Governing Player Agents

I am happy to announce that my newest law review article, In Baseball’s Best Interest?: A Discussion of the October 2010 MLBPA Regulations Governing Player Agents, has been published in the Spring 2011 Virginia Sports & Entertainment Law Journal.  The official citation to the article is 10 Va. Sports & Ent. L.J. 249 (type it into a Westlaw […]

Headline MLB Players MLB Rules Sports Agents

Gus Dominguez Out Of Jail, Working With MLB Players

In 2006, Gustavo “Gus” Dominguez (uncle of Florida Marlins prospect Matt Dominguez) was charged for paying aides to illegally bring Cuban baseball players to California with the end goal of signing those players to contracts with MLB affiliated organizations.  Dominguez emigrated from Cuba, himself, and was once a member of the New York Yankees and […]

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Jeff Berry Wants An MLB Rule Change After Buster Posey Hit

Last week, San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey broke a bone in his lower left leg when he was hit by Florida Marlins’ Scott Cousins at home plate.  Posey was blocking the plate in the 12th inning as Cousins reached home, hoping to score the go-ahead run and earn a victory for his team.  In […]

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Discussion Of 2011 Major League And Minor League Minimum Salaries

Yesterday, it was announced that the Major League Baseball minimum salary in the 2011 Championship Season will be $414,000. It is a $14,000 raise over the 2010 minimum. Article VI of the 2007-2011 MLB Collective Bargaining Agreement (referred to as the “Basic Agreement”) deals with player salaries.  Specifically, Section B of the Article contemplates Minimum […]

Headline MLB Players MLB Rules Recruiting Sports Agents Sports Law

Looking Into Potential Improper Inducements By Boras Corp.

Scott Boras‘ company might have exploited Dominican Republic talented baseball players by giving them and their families loans and other payments in return for a better chance to represent the players and earn back the money paid out, and more, through the commissions received on their signing bonuses.  Scott Boras and his company would stand to […]

Headline MLB Rules Sports Agents Sports Law

Amendments To The MLBPA Regulations Governing Player Agents

On September 2, all certified Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA) agents received an email concerning amended agent regulations.  It was a notice that the MLBPA’s Executive Board has unanimously adopted amendments to the MLBPA’s Regulations Governing Player Agents.  While I am not yet MLBPA certified (although I am happy to announce that is changing […]

Contract Negotiation Headline MLB Players MLB Rules MLB Teams Sports Agents Sports Law

Will Advisor Communication Hurt Karsten Whitson?

I want to start this article by stressing that the point of this article has nothing to do with getting any player in trouble.  The reason that I wrote this post is to once again try to point out how ludicrous the NCAA’s no-agent rule continues to be.  It was struck down by a court […]

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The Continuance Of Advisor/Club Communication

In the 2009 MLB First-Year Player Draft, the Toronto Blue Jays selected former University of Kentucky pitcher, James Paxton, in the Supplemental First Round.  Paxton and the Blue Jays did not come to terms on an agreement prior to the signing deadline, and Paxton decided that he would return to school for his senior season. […]