Headline Sports Agents

Advocating Improved Agent Ethical Standards

This past weekend, I secluded myself during the days and got to reading quite a few law review articles that I had put to the side to read for some time now.  One of them was Stacey B. Evans’, Sports agents: ethical representatives or overly aggressive adversaries?, which  was published this year in the Villanova Sports […]

Sports Law

Review of Disbarring Jerry Maguire

One common trend that I find among the many sports agent related law review articles that I have read is that the topic often centers around the difference between agents that have been certified by a state bar and non-attorney-agents. Disbarring Jerry Maguire: How Broadly Defining “Unauthorized Practice of Law” Could Take the “Lawyer” out […]

Friday Wrap-Up

Shabbat Shalom: Friday Wrap-Up

No, I’m not Darren. I’m not even Jewish. But I needed something to post on Friday. Following are some prominent pieces and sports headlines that we neglected to cover during the week. * Rick Karcher’s post, “Ethics and Agent Fees” over at Sports Law Blog (Happy 2000th Anniversary to them, by the way) touches on […]